Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Flattening my back against the wall again, I breathed heavily, my nerves causing me to shake with fear.

Who would have thought that walking to the school front door was so hard?

I lifted my hand to my throbbing eye and sighed.

I had woken up and looked in the mirror.

A pirate stared back at me.

My eye was now definitely what could be classed as a black eye, and it hurt just as bad as it looked. I quickly pulled my hair in front of the eye to try and conceal it. The last thing I needed was for Alex to spot it.

Sighing and sneaking one more look around the corner, I made my attempt to get into school.

Today I was greeted by a fist in my stomach, winding me and causing me to collapse to the floor.

"Well, well. Look what we have here," said Alex's unmistakably evil voice. I looked down at the ground, my hair covering my face. Letting him see my eye would be a fatal mistake.

"Someone went and hid yesterday," he said, causing his group to laugh sinisterly. "And I believe, from general reports, swooping around the school, that it was with a certain boy." I felt my insides boiling at the comment about Ben, knowing that he was enjoying every second of this torment.

I curled up into a ball, trying to hide from both physical and verbal pain.

"Are you scared, worm?" he drooled. I didn't move. It would only make things worse.

"Get her against the wall," he ordered.

Huge hands descended onto me, ripping me out of my ball and flattening me against the wall, pinning me there.

There was no chance of escape. I was at their mercy.

Alex walked up to me, forcing my head back so I had to look up at him rather than looking at the floor, and therefore causing my hair to fall back from my face, revealing my eye.

"Oh ho!!!" they all cried out, glee written all over their faces.

"Looks like someone's already beaten us to it!" said Alex, smirking. "But we can always add to previous work," he said, moving close to my face.

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