Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

After 5 minutes of postponing walking out of the classroom, I was walking with Ben back to the secret studio.

This time, when we walked into the cupboard, I was ready for the secret door, but I still couldn't suppress a giggle of happiness as I saw the room.

"Right!" said ben, shutting the door behind us. He walked over to the corner where the bags of clay were stacked, and picked one up, along with a big plastic sheet.

"Could you hold this for a second?" He asked, passing me the clay bag with ease. As soon as it was in my arms I collapsed to the floor with the weight...

"Apparently not!" I mumbled, blushed as Ben laughed.

He then quickly spread out the sheet in the middle of the floor, and we sat opposite each other, on the edge of the sheet.

Taking the clay bag from me, he gave me a huge chunk of clay.

"What do you want to make?" he asked me, smiling softly.

"What's relatively easy?" I asked him, smiling shyly and picking up the cold clay carefully.

"Try making a pot!" he said, smiling encouragingly.

He walked over to the cardboard box and pulled out some clay tools, putting them in the middle of the sheet before starting to work on his piece of clay.

I started to pull my clay into a vaguely pot shaped shape.

After half an hour's work, I showed it to him.

"It's great!" he said, smiling at me. I looked sceptically at my creation.The side of the pot started to sag and within a few seconds, it had fallen apart in my hands.

I looked at it, impressed that it had stayed together for so long. I then looked up into his eyes.

Suddenly, we burst out laughing, tears rolling down our cheeks with happiness.

"Let's see what you've made then, "I said, catching my breath. I moved round the plastic sheet to his side, ditching my fail of a pot before looking at his.

I saw me looking back at myself.

"You made me in clay!" I said, blushing with happiness. He looked up at me and smiled.

"It's for you. If you stick it in the oven at home at 200 degrees C for half an hour, it should be more solid."

We stood up and looked at each other. I felt my hand moving of its own accord to touch his.

My heart felt like it was about to explode with...with...I didn't know what it was, but it felt good, like for the first time in my life, I was wanted.

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