Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The next day at school, I could barely walk for pain.

I now had a fresh black eye to accompany the other one.

I was lucky though.

Alex and his gang had been distracted, huddled around a tree when I tried to get into school.

By the time they noticed me, I was safe.

The only thing that was keeping me going, rather than collapsing under the pain, was Ben's promise.

He obviously felt terrible about what had happened at my house, apologising again and again.

He had also promised to take me to his care home tonight.

My dad was going out for the whole evening, so I had agreed.

I was hoping that it was going to go better than yesterday had.

Sitting in music, I was struggling to concentrate again. But I still knew the things we were covering.

"Emma," said the teacher expectantly. "What is the key signature of E flat major and what is its relative minor?"

Looking down at the desk, as I usually did, I began. "E flat Major has 3 flats - B flat, E flat and A flat. It's relative minor is C minor, which instead of having B flat, has B natural, as the raised 7th of the minor scale."

The people around me looked confused.

I don't know why, it was perfectly simple.

Soon enough, I found myself with Ben again, walking to his care home.

"What's it like?" I asked him nervously. "

It's got a homely feel to it." he replied. "Don't worry, people will understand you, they know what it's like to be in your position. There are 6 girls and 8 boys in total."

I looked down at the pavement.

The fact that they would have experienced the same thing only made me more nervous.

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