Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was so unlike me.

I was looking at the clock, counting down the minutes to the end of the lesson.

I didn't know why I wanted to see Ben again so much. Besides, lessons were more important.

But I still couldn't concentrate.

Eventually the bell went for end of lesson.

I was tempted to jump up and run out of the room, but that would show the class that something was up. I was always the last out.

Seconds dragged past as I put my pencil case and books away as slowly as I could.

Eventually the only other person in the room left, and I finally made a break for the door.

I took a deep breath to calm my fluttering heart then walked out of the room.

There he was, waiting opposite the door.

I smiled and walked over to him. Seeing me, he smiled back. "Hey! How was chemistry?"

I felt my heart race again.


"Good!" I replied, coming to a stop at his side.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked. I nodded and we headed off down the corridor together.

"Where are we actually going?" I asked him quietly a few minutes later as we rounded yet another corner.

"It's a surprise. I don't think anyone else knows this room exists. I spend quite a lot of time in it, hiding from the world. I'm usually quite a shy person."

I smiled at that, knowing that he would understand me better than most.

"I'm quite shy," I said, looking at his face. "No one seems to understand why though."

Looking at the ground, I could feel him looking at me.

Then he said softly, "You know, my sister always tells me her problems. She says I'm a good listener. Do you want to tell me something?"

I knew he would understand.

"That would be good," I said, my voice almost reduced to a whisper.

"Well, here we are!" he said, as we faced the cleaner's cupboard.

"Seriously? The cleaner's cupboard?" I asked sceptically.

"Yup!" He replied, grinning as he held the door open for me.

With a sigh, I walked in, looking into the gloom.

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