Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

As my eyes got used to the dark, I could see...

broom and cleaning equipment.

"Not quite what I was expecting!" I said, laughing a little.

He smiled back and turned to face a wall. Then he pushed it and it moved away.

It was a door leading into a much bigger room beyond.

"Ok.... Definitely wasn't expecting that one...." I mumbled.

Ben chuckled quietly before leading me in.

It was obvious that he spent a lot of time in here. There was a makeshift table with buckets as legs and a plank of wood to write on. Next to it there was a cardboard box crammed full with painting and modelling equipment.

Stuck all around the room were the most amazing and detailed paintings and drawings and lining the walls were rows and rows of clay sculptures and pots, accompanied with huge bags of clay in one corner and an easel leaning against one wall.

I looked around in awe at the workshop he had created.

"Do you like it?" he asked me, a smile spread wide across his face at seeing his beloved workshop.

"It's amazing!" I whispered. "How did you find this place?"

He laughed a little at that, although it didn't ring true.... More of a bitter laugh.

"Well, Alex was chasing me down the corridor, so I ran into the cleaners cupboard, then leant on the wall to catch my breath, but the wall, which was obviously the door to here, gave way, and I fell in. From then on it became my studio."

He smiled to himself at the memory.

"Now, feel free to sit down." He said pointing to another corner where there was a mountain of sponges. "They were already there, but make a great seat!"

I gingerly sat down, and he was right, they were surprisingly comfortable.

"Ok, so what do you want to tell me?" he asked softly, sitting next to me.

"It's a long story," I said wearily. "

I've got time," he replied with his beautiful smile.

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