Chapter 8

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Nonie’s POV:

My mom last night I had the talk with me. Somehow she had found out what had happened at the arty and about what happened at school 2 weeks ago. She was really worried so she went to talk to the principal this morning.

It was about 4 o’clock and I knew Mariah was home. Since mom went to work and Selena got a job at the smoothie shop that Beau works at I was home alone. I didn't have to worry about giving someone an explanation on where I was going.

I walked over to Mariah's house and rang the doorbell.

“Is Mariah Home” I asked Mariah’s dad.

“Hey Nonie, I haven't seen you in a while” He said and gave me a smile. “She’s in her room” He let me in his house and I walked to Mariah’s room. I knocked on her door.

“Come in” I hear her say, I walked in quietly and closed the door from behind me.

“What are you doing here?” she asked mad.

“Why did you post that video” I asked curious.

“Nonie, were not friends anymore. That is dear as glass. The only person that hasn't realized that is you” she snapped at me. She even sound like Lola.

“I'm sorry that I can't forget the last five years in only one day” I snapped back.

“NOT TO LONG AGO YOU CAME TO MY HOUSE, AND TOLD ME YOU WERE SORRY OR DO YOU NOT REMEMBER THAT? I know this is not like you. So why are you doing this to me?” I asked fiercely.

“LOOK JUST GO!” You know  WHAT HAPPENS and life goes on” She snapped back at me.

“I’m not leaving until you tell me what I did to you that you are acting like this towards me,” I said.

“GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE” she said walking towards me. She looked really angry and I thought she was going to hit me. I can't fight I don't know new plus I didn't want to punch her even though she was really mean to me I still cared for her. So I left her house I didn't even say bye to her dad. Which was a rude thing to do.

“OH MY GOD” was I shouted when I was walking in the smoothie shop.

“Nonie,” they both said at the same time. I started to laugh because there face expressions were priceless. Once they saw I wasn't mad at them or anything they relaxed more.

“Look who finally decided to get out of bed today” Beau said sarcastically with a smile. He then hopped over the counter and gave me a tight bear hug. I giggled a lot, man I really missed his bear hugs.

“yeah well I missed you guys and I realized I didn’t want to push you guys away cause I could really use some friends right now” I felt my cheeks turn red so I looked down so they wouldn't notice. Beau gave me another tight bear hug and I started to giggle again.

“Good, I’m proud of you” Selena said making her way around the counter to hug me.

“So, since when are you guys a couple?” I asked curious. I couldn't help realized the way they acted around each other and the way they looked at each other.

“Since yesterday Beau took me out to dinner and asked me to be his girlfriend, it was super romantic” Selena confessed. She was super excited though.

“Wow, Beau I didn't think you had it in you,” I teased. beau just stuck his tongue out at me. “So when were you planning on telling me the big news?” I asked.

“Well you were all depressed and shit, plus you didn't want to talk to anyone sooo, I don't know” Beau noted.

“Okay well I didn't come to ruin your guy’s day, I also came for a mega mango smoothie please.” I told Beau and stared at him with puppy dog eyes. He hopped back over the counter and made me my smoothie. Nonie walked around the counter to help Beau make the smoothie.

Stole My Heart (Luke Brooks Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora