Chapter 15

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Luke's POV:

Saturday afternoon and Nonie still hasn't called me but she was with Lola so I wasn't really worried. 

MyGirlFriend: Heyy Babe! I'm home now come over! Pleasssssse Lola is here too.

I wasn't expecting Lola to be at Nonie's house but I decided not to question it. I told the guys if they wanted to come and of course they did so we all walked across the street.

Jai with horrible manners just walked right in without even knocking so we all did the same. I saw Nonie and Lola sitting on the couch drinking lemonade and as usual I went to go and sit next to her. She gave me a quick kiss I turn around to see beau walking up the stairs so I figured he went to look for Selena and Jai turned on the t.v. 

"Sooo you ladies are friend?" I asked really curious.

"Umm Yeah we are now" Nonie replied with a huge smile on her face and so did Lola. 

"Soo what shall we do today little lady" I said giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I know... I know" Jai Yelled but I ignored him.

Then Beau and Selena came down from the stairs. "Beau what should we do today" I asked him I could tell Jai got pissed cause I didn't listen to him.

"Oh we should go the beach" Selena said pulling on Beau's shirt.

"Are you fucking crazy the water must be freezing" Beau snapped but he was clearly playing around.

"Oh I love the Beach, The beach in California are sooo beautiful and I never been to the beach here" she began to tell him

"No we're not going to the beach" Jai yelled at her. She gave him a dirty look. 

"Why don't we just go to my place and I have a huge pool where I have a pool heater" Lola suggested. We all agreed to go and grabbed our stuff and headed to place. 

We took to separate cars since we didn't all fit in one. The girls took one and We took the other. When we got to the parking lot we looked up at the huge mansion. We were all amazed and when we got out of the car we complemented her house. She was being really polite and she looked really happy so I was beginning to be okay with her friendship with Nonie but she was still on my watch list.

We all went inside the house and It was even bigger in the inside. We were all mesmerized by the beauty. In living room there was a huge picture frame of a beautiful lady. I guessed she was Lola's mom because they looked awfully alike. 

"Babe she's beautiful huh" Nonie who was standing right next to me saw me starting at the picture frame. 

"Yes but not as beautiful as you" I said giving her a passionate kiss.

"Get a room" Jai yelled at us. Me and Nonie both started laughing.

"Umm you could change in any room you want just not my parents bedroom" Lola said pointing up the stairs we all went to change a little after we all went down stairs. Jai and Selena were the first to jump in then Beau jumped in. Lola came from inside the house with a maid who brought sandwiches. The maid set the tray on a little table next to the Beach beds.

When Nonie wasn't looking I pushed her inside the pool.

"LUKE!" She yelled "You Dork" I started to laugh and jumped in. As Lola had promised the water was warm. A few seconds later Lola jumped in for the rest of the day we swam and had fun. When it started to get dark we went inside and watched a movie. She had put on 21 Jump Street so we watched that. It was a good day. 

Lola's POV:

I woke up and it was Monday morning unfortunately I had to go to school I had a wonderful week end with Nonie and the brooks brothers. I quickly put on some shorts and a green crop top and a white tank top under. I put on some white wedges and applied some make up. I went down stairs in where the chauffeur was waiting for me to take me to school. When I got there I saw Nonie who ran towards me and gave me a hug of course Luke was standing right by her side. Those too were just so adorable together. I looked around to see Jai was nowere to be found.

"Good Morning!" Nonie said really loudly. I couldn't help to chuckle.

"Good Morning sweetie" I said. 

"Good morning Lola" Luke said. Luke has been nicer to me at first he was cold around me but he is slowly giving me a chance and I promise I won't let him down. 

"Morning Luke" I replied. 

"So where is Jai" I asked curious. Then all of a sudden I felt someone put there hands over my eyes. 

"Guess who" I heard Jai's voice so I immediately knew it was. 

"Ummm could it beeeee ummmm ... ummmm ... ummmm JAI" Jai then pulled him hands away from my face and I turned around and saw it was him. He then gave me a tight hug picking me up. 

"Noooo put me down" So he did and we all started to laugh.

We all started to walk to our first period class. When we came across Mariah.

"Umm what are you doing with her?" Mariah asked in a bitchy tone.

"Ummm where were you at?" I answered her question with a question with a snobby attitude. 

"Umm ..." She looked at me puzzled "I had family problems so I couldn't call you are text you"

She was lying so I couldn't help but laugh. "well isn't that cute. You're lying but in reality I don't care" 

I started to walk away and Nonie followed behind me. When I saw Mariah grab on Nonie's arm. 

"Don't touch me" I heard Nonie shout. Luke and Jai just stood there not knowing what to do. Mariahs looked angry at her.

"Let her go" I said in a calm voice. Mariah turned to look at me and saw I wasn't playing around. then she let her go.

"How can you be friends with her?" She snapped at me. She comment made me angry.

"How can I be friends with her? Remember you used to be her friend! She was there for me when I was down and where were you.. You were out doing god knows what. Mariah we are no longer friends. Sorry hun" I snapped at her back. 

Nonie's POV: 

"How can I be friends with her? Remember you used to be her friend! She was there for me when I was down and where were you.. You were out doing god knows what. Mariah we are no longer friends. Sorry hun" Lola yelled at Mariah.

I stared at Mariah and who looked really mad. She looked like she was going to explode with anger. I was glad she stopped being my friend because in reality she was never much my friend.

Lola started to walk in class and we all followed her. This time Mariah made no move to bother me. For the rest of the day everything went so smooth. Everyone noticed that me and Lola had became friends but they didn't comment on it. Lola was still feared by most of the schools population. 

When lunchtime came around we found an empty table in the cafeteria in where me, Luke, Jai, and Lola sat at. Mariah sat in her regular table with the rest of lola's old posse which is now Mariahs. Mariah seemed proud of that but Lola seemed to not care she looked like she enjoyed sitting with us. 

After school we all headed to my house and we just joked around and playing dumb board games. Everything felt like it was meant to be. Selena and Beau were happy with each other. Jai and Lola were really getting close to each other and I think they like one another. Me and Luke were amazingly happy and in love. Luke was the best guy in the world.

Okay sooo What do you guys think? Lola standing up for Nonie (Her new BFF) hahaha. There friendship is soooooo cute. Luke has Nonie on the test do you think she will pass? nahhh Follow me @Official_MarieM

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