Chapter 13

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Luke's POV: 

Beau has been really down lately it's been almost a week since Selena and him broke up but it was Saturday and today I was planning on asking Nonie on an Official date.

"Aye slut, Imma go to the mall. Want to go?" Beau asked me while throwing a pillow at my face.

"No you sexy Beast" I replied throwing the pillow back.I didn't want to go but Jai did. He ran down stairs like lightning. Beau and Jai took off to the mall. So I stayed home with my mom. 

"Hey mum" My mom was sitting on the couch alone watching t.v. Mom looks up at me and smiles"Hey baby." I rolled my eyes I didn't like it when she called me baby. I went to sit down next to her. 

"Mum can I talk to you" I asked with a serious tone in my voice. She looked at me for a second and knew I was serious so she turned off the t.v. So she could give me her full attention. "What happen?" She asked worried, scooting closer to me.

"I uh um.. kind of..  uh like Nonie" I hesitated at first but managed to say. She smiled at me and gave me a quick tight hug "Sweetheart I already knew that" I pulled away from her and looked at her confused. 

"How did you know?" I asked curious. My mom just laughed "I'm your mom, I know everything" She finally said "Plus I kind of figured it out when you planned that picnic" We both started to laugh this time.

"Okay, but I don't know how to ask her on a date... or where I should take her... What if she doesn't even like me back?" 

"Oh honey don't worry, She likes you I could tell you that for sure" She paused for a second "Now think carefully has she ever mentioned where she loves to go, maybe the movies.... What if you take her to the Movies" I stayed there thinking for a second then it hit me.

"I know what would be perfect!"  I yelled really excited. "Once she told me how she loved to go to the fair with her dad. It was something she loved to do with him and she hasn't been there since her dad passed away. What do you think." 

"That's an excellent idea" I quickly hugged my mom and raced out the door. Once I was outside I started to hesitate. I was walking really slow across the street. I stood there in front of the door, I didn't knock though. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I waited for a minute then Nonie opened the door.

"Hey Luke, come in" 

"No it's okay I just came by to ask you something" I said very nervous. She looked at me curious for a second.

"So what's up" I didn't know how to ask her and I could feel the palm of my hands start to sweat. 

"Do you... ummm want to go out with me tonight?" I mumbled way to quick but it was cause I was nervous 

Nonie's POV:

"Do you... ummm want to go out with me tonight?" Luke asked nervously. I couldn't believe it! Is he asking me on a date? or is it just a dream? 

"Luke Anthony Mark Brooks are you asking me on a date? I clearly sounded flirty. I was hoping it would be a date because I have been dying for this boy to ask me for a long time. I knew I had a huge smile on my face and I couldn't help it.

"Yeah I am" He finally responded he was also smiling now. I was really happy I jumped up and down like 3 times while clapping?" I asked curious. Luke lightened up by now and looked as excited as me.

"I can't tell you it's a surprise, but just wear comfortable shoes" Luke said while poking my fat on my stomach. I giggled a bit.

"Aww that's not fair thou" I whinnied but Luke just laughed. 

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