chapter 2

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My appologies that I didnt upload anything yesterday. I will try and upload, 3 chapters? Eh, its all on time. Lets get on with the fanfic!


I sat on the couch while tim was getting the pizzas from the pizza guy at the door.
"Why are there sooo many?!" Tim asked while rumaging through his wallet to get money.
"You ordered them." The pizza guys said, getting impatient.
I turned to look at ross, who looked uneasy.
"Are you gonna throw up?" I asked, moving alittle over to my side of the couch.
He shook his head. "What if he cant pay for the food?"
"He has the money." I said and moved back where I was orginally sitting.
I sighed as tim let the pizza man in to put the pizzas on the table.
"That was only worth like 50 bucks." Tim said as the pizza guy left.
"What!?" I said angrily.

Ross POV

I watched as max and tim faught over why he spent 50 dollars on just pizza.
"Who the hell do you agree with? The money was defiantly worth pizzas, right?!" Tim asked, looking at me.
I blinked. "Um... I agree with.. max?"
Max had a smirk as he continued the argument. "See!!!!"
"We cant give it back." Tim said, pointing at the delicious smelling food.
I loved hearing maxs voice wait, did I think that?
I stood up and went to the kitchen to get some pizza. I had to admit, their place was pretty sick.
"Now hes on my side!!!" Tim said happily as the went into the kitchen too.
"Im on maxs, remember." I said while bitting into a cheese pizza.
Max laughed and grabbed his on. I sighed. I loved hearing maxs laugh now.
Ok, I get we just met, but, max is adorable.


I quickly washed and changed into nightwear when I was done eating.
I watched as ross petted his cat.
Why the hell does he have a cat!? I thought angrily, but didnt say it aloud. Like something was stopping me. I shrugged it off and went to sit on the couch and watch a movie.
Ross looked at the movie I was gonna watch, shrugged, and went into his room.


Ross POV

Today was my first day of work at the offices. I knew adam, and tim and max. But that was pretty much it. I recorded one video to see how good I was. Turns out, it was my first video edited by max, and a new video on my channel.
Adam invited me to record with him and a guy named barney. I accepted and the recording was smooth. We played garrys mod death run btw.
I walked out of my office when adams recording was done and sat next to max, to watch him edit videos.
He turned to look at me. I was unsure if he wanted me to watch or not. I started getting up but he grabbed my hand.
"You could stay, if you want." He said, letting go.
I felt myself going red and I sat down.
I watched as max edited one of adams videos.


I was editing adams videos then ross came over and sat down next to me.
I looked at him, honestly confused. I probably upsetted him because he suddenly got up.
I dont know why I did this next but I grabbed his hand.
"You could stay." I said, letting go.
He sat back down with a reddish face.
Why is he blushing? I wondered and turned back to edit.
I relaxed a little in my chair as ross kept suggesting ideas for edits.
I started feeling butterflies in my stomach. I tried to make it stop, but yah. (Crap, that sounded inappropriate. ? Sory)
I never actualy had butterfleis in my stomach but it felt so weird. I didnt like that feeling and out of the corner lf my eye I saw ross. For some reason I relaxed a little.

I finsished editing adams videos and ross's videos. Ross was still there and the butterflies had left.
Ross was leaning on my arm a little but I didnt mind. I didnt want to stand up and ruin it. So I continued to sit there. I took out my phone and ross was still there. And k still didnt mind.
Tims computer was next to mind and he probably saw the whole thing of ross leaning on my arm thing.
I took a selfie, dont judge me, with ross.
I posted it on my twitter, hashtagging it, editing. I dont know why I did that horrible hashtag but who cares. Some people freeking tag it person.
Ross finaly stood up. "Is it time to go?" He askedand looked down at me.
I nodded and me, tim, and ross drove back to the apartment.

We all ate some of the left over pizza with like 2 boxs left.
Me and ross sat at the tv and played some halo.
Tim went into his room, probably to edit some more videos, while we played.
An hour passed and ross fell asleep. On me.
I didnt move, k just let him continue sleep on my shoulder. I leaned my head back on the couch and fell asleep.


I was editing barneys videos and I was suddenly thirsty. I got off my bed and went to the door.
I opened the door to see the cutest thing ever!
Max and ross were snuggling on the couch while asleep I guess.
I took out my phone and quickly took a picture. I uploaded it to twitter, saying: boyfriends? Or friends?
Adam quickly retweeted it on his account, saying the same.
I forgot about the drink and quickly went back to my room.

Sorry this was pretty chessy... im eating cereal right now and its pretty hard to write and eat for me. Well, good morning or good night!!! Im gonna eat some more..., and watch sky, looking for ideas for the next chapter. Love you all!!! And thanks for all the support! :3>

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