chapter 7

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I awoke in the morning to ross and max screaming.
I left my room, completey annoyed.
"Ahy are you screaming?!" I hissed.
Ross looked up from a phone, completely red.
"U-uhmmmm.. look." Ross said, holding up the phone.
"TIM!!!!" I screamed as I saw the screen.
There was a picture of me and ross, again, snuggling out on the balcony thing. With over 1000 retweets on twitter.
Tim popped his head up from behind the table. "Sorry! You guys looked soooo cute!"
I felt myself go red. For embarrassment, and anger.
"Hey, did you guys.... by any chance. Kiss?" He asked.
I froze. "No..." I said, as I turned tword ross.
Tim shrugged, even though he probably knew they were lieing.
"Lets just get to work." Tim said, with a smile.

I walked into the building while holding ross's hand.
I let go as we got to the stairs.
When we were in the place where I edited my videos. I gave ross a hug and said bye.
When I watched ross enter his office, I saw adam and barney watching everything.
I pretended like I didnt see them and sat down in my office chair.

Owwwwww!!! :( meh back hurts. Sorry thats not an ecuse to stop writing. I pulled a muscle 2 or 3 days ago and ive managed to continue writing fanfic!!! (Never thought I will type that! :3) well, sorry for the wost cliff hanger ever. Im just sad tommorrow is a school day.and my last day of STEM.... :/ well, on the school days all I will do is try and come up with ideas for the best ships in teh world, and draw rossome fanart!!! (Not like a already do that or anything... hehehhhheh...) well, love you all! <3

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