chapter 24

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Sorry that I barely uploaded this weekend!!! :/ I will try and write a long chapter.

Ross POV

Tim looked at me. "Your okay?"
I nodded again. "Yes! But your clearly not." I said, trying not to look at his scratches.
He let out a small laugh. "Well, im sure im fine. You ar-"
"Tim! Im fine!" I said, turning to face him,
"Okay....." he said, even though I knew he didnt mean it.
"I know, you care. But you are seriously more injured than me." I said, walking again.
Tim hurried to my side and winced with pain.
"Okay. " he said again.
I tried to smile. "This will be something cool to tell the guys!" I said.
Tim frowned. "WE HAVE PHONES!!!!!!" he said, reaching into his pocket with his bloodied hand.
I closed my eyes, his hand had a gash in it. Gross.
"We do?" I said, tilting my head.
I think im loosing too much blood.
He typed in his password and held his phone up.
I felt my sight slowly grow black.
"Come on!!!!" Tim said in panic as I sat down like im drunk.
I slowly looked up to see Tim with the happiest smile ever, dialing a number. "One bar!! Thank god!"
I smiled. " good bye tim."


The door opens, reveileing Adam.
"Adam!" I whispered, pulling him into a hug.
He blushed and hugged back. "Max!"
We pulled apart. "Get me out!!! I need ross!" I begged, looking over his shoulder.
He grabbed my shoulder. "Dude, we cant go barrling down the halls though. Those people are scary! " he squeaked, pointing at a cell.
I nodded. He was right. We would be dead if we go running down the halls screaming, "ROSSSSSSS!!!!!!!"
I laughed a little at that idea. "Yah, lets just... I have no idea..." I said.
Adam put his hand to his chin. "Hrm...."
I looked to the back of my cell. The lightbulb was starting to dim.
I shuddered at the thought of another night here.
"What about you take off your orange clothes and ill give you my coat and......." he looked at me.
I blushed. "I have a t shirt under this.... " I said.
He took off his coat and handed it to me.
"Y-you cold look away." I said when he didnt.
"Oh, sorry." He said awkwardly, turning around.
I took off the clothes and tied the jacket around my waist. I wore just a white t shirt and boxers. The coat was big enough to look like I had small shorts underneath.
"Done." I said. It was uncomfortable to be with someone you liked with no pants.
"Okay, lets go." Adam said, reaching around to grab my hand.
Wait, how did he get the key to my cell?!?! I thought but quickly brushed it off. Im free now.
Me and adam quickly walked down the emptyish hallway. Only one guard stood, and he didnt think anything was wrong.
"Can we get through?" Adam asked.
The guard touched the handle. "Did you two speak with the prisoner?" He asked.
I nodded. "Yah."
He snorted, but opened the door.
I didnt remeber any of this place, but adam did.
"This way." Adam said, tugging my hand twords a door.
I looked behind us at the guard. Who had an eyebrow raised.
I quickly looked back forward, just in time to move around a randome pillar.
"Come." Adam said, pushing the door open. Revealing darkness.
He turned on his phone light, and shined it onto the ground.
I looked up at the night sky. The stars shined brightly. Which helped me see better.
"Thank you." I said to adam when we got far away from the prison.
He smiled. "Dont mention it."
"Howd you get me out that easily anyways?" I asked, and stopped to look at him.
"Well, I dont actually knkw. Bad security?" He said, shrugging.
"Wheres you car?" I asked, looking around.
"Over there." He shined his light off in the distance, which revealed a car, which was adams.
"Thanks again!" I said, pulling him into another hug.
We pulled apart, adam blushing, again. "Okay, okay! " he laughed.
He planted a kiss on his cheek. (FACE)
he blushed even more. "Lets go tk the car.and hurry to ross."
I nodded. "Does ross know? " I asked as we started walking again.
"I dont think so." He said than froze.
"What?" I asked, turning to face him.
"I hear sirens."

Ross POV

I awoke to myself laying on dirt.
I looked up to see tim next to me, barely moving. I could tell he was alive by the rising and falling of his stomach.
"Tim?" I barely said.
He opened an eye. "Yah?"
I breathed in deeply. "Are we gonna die?"
He didnt answer.
I felt myself relax. "Oh, good. "
"What!?" He said, in a tempt to talk.
"Its better than this." I said, saddly.
"No, I called the ambulance." Tim said, resting a hand on my shoulder. "We are gonna be a-"
"What?" I said, turning my head slowly to look at tim.
"Sh." He said.
Than I heard it. The ambulance. And something else. People running.
"Tim, im scared." I felt tears filling my eyes.
I heard him take a sharp breath. "Me too."

Adam POV

Max stood, listening to the siren.
"Come on!" I hissed, pointing at the car.
He looked over into the woods.
"What are you doing?" I noticed he had no shoes.
"Its not a police siren." He said.
"Than what is it?" I asked.
"Idiot." He mumbled. "ambulance."
"Ohhhhh... cool, leave now? " I asked.
Max looked at me. "No."
"I sense something."
"You sense for us to leave!"
"I sense, danger. "
"Yah! Can we leave now?"
He looked at me despretly. "Adam...."
I breathed in." Okay."

Crap, this is longer than expected. Well, happy day after valentines!!!!!! Love you all and have a great night, or day... <3
Stay awesome

Thought something was gonna be here? Thought wrong.

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