chapter 13

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Sorryi didnt upload but thats for 3k reads!!!! ^~^


I woke up next to ross.
He was sleeping soundly and cuddled up to me.
I looked down at him and felt warmth spread through my body.
"I love you." I whispered as I ruffled his hair.
I was so happy. Me and ross were dating! Wait. When are we gonna tell the others?
I felt uneasy for a little and took out my twitter.
There was a message that said:

Message from themomentyouenterthecode:
Hey, I think I saw you at the eifle tower last night. I just want to say thats disgusting. Dont kiss another man in public. Actually, dont kiss one at all

I felt tears start to come in my eyes as I saw the likes and comments on his post.
Some said things like:
Whod he kiss?
I thought he was straight!!!!!!! :(
Its noneof your buisness you creep
Thats gross

I went off my twitter and started to silently cry.
"Max....?" Ross said, waking up.
I didnt answer.
"Max! Are you okay?" He said as he noticed I was crying.
I didnt want him to know why I was. It would just ruin everything.
"Should I.... get adam?" He said quickly.
I shook my head.
He gave me a hug and didnt let go.
"Please tell me!" He said in his sweet voice.
By now I stopped crying even though some tears still came.
"Just. I want to stay alone in here for a while." I said, turning to look into his eyes.
He gave me a kiss than let go. "Okay. Just text me when your okay. K?" He said as he stood up and left me in bed.
I nodded. "Okay."

Ross POV

What happened!?!? I thought angrily as I left the hotel room after I changed.
I heard shelby's voice and adam down the hall.
"Ross!!!!!! Heheheheheheheheheheh...." shelby said awkwardly.
"What?" I said. Does she know?
"Hey ross! Wheres max?" Adam asked as he tilted his head to the side to look around me.
"Erm. Hes tired." I said, looking behind myself at the door.
"Okay......." adam nodded.
"Oh no!!!!!!" Shelby cried as she stared at her phone, holding tears back.
"What!?" I said walking he few feet to try and look at what the problem was.
"Why did they do that!thats just rude!" Adam said as he looked at the phone.
I tore the phone out of shelbys hand and stared.
"W-what?" I whispered, almost in tears, after I read the tweet.
Shelby gave me a big hug.
"Its okay." Adam said, taking the phone from me.
Thats why he was crying!!!! I realized.
I pushed shelby back.
"Are you okay? " she asked.
I gave her a shaky nod and turned to run into my hotel room with max.
"Max!" I said as I swung the door open.
Max was on the bed with a laptop on the side of him.
He looked up. "Yah?"
I shut the door and ran next to him.
"Im so sorry!!!!" I cried as I gVe him a hug.
"For what? " he said as I kissed him on the FACE cheek.
"I saw the tweet!" I said and kissed him again. "Its my fault." Then I stopped.
He pulled me into a makeout session.
He pulled apart fof a second. "Its okay. I dont care whaT they say." He said before we continued.

Uhg. Im so bored right now that I have no ideas. Some people say my fan fiction is likethe in my eyes one but its not. Im trying to make mine as diffrent as I can! Well, love you all and have a Great day or night! <3

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