Mithross easter part 1

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Okay, this may be very short but, ya.


I laughed as tim dropped his easter egg.
"Thats not funny max!" Tim cried.
Ross let out a giggle.
I watched as tim picked up his cracked egg.
"It looks..... different?" Ross said, playing with the bunny ears on his head.

I gave ross a kiss on hks cheek
Ross pulled his red egg out of the food coloring.
He then wrote mithross onto the egg in sharpie.
"Beautiful." I said.
Ross leaned on my shoulder.
Tim pulled out my yellow egg.
"Where do you want it?" He asked.
"Drying rack." I nodd over to it.
Tim rolls his eyes and places kt down next to the other ones.

See its short. But im to lazy to countinue writing so... love you all!!! <3

Say You Love Me (Ross X Max)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora