chapter 18 actually!!!! (I foregot what cahpter they were so sorry)

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Ross POV

We ended up having to share offices with jason, tyler, ian, and ty.
I ended up with ty.
adam with tyler.
Barney with ian and jason.
Poor barney barley knew ian and jason. I personally barely knew ty.
But turns out we all got along well like we knew eachother forever.
Max looked a little angry when I hung out with them more tyen him. But we had home! Was there any better place to be for a relationship?

"Where are we gona eat?" Adam asked us.
"A food place!!!" Jason said, raising his hand.
I just realized how diffrent everyone looked!
"Yah!" Tyler said.
Adam looked at me and max.
"Erm." I said. I wasnt used to having the attention all on me.
"How bout a resteraunt?" Max said.
Ian nodded.
"Than are we going? It has food." Ty said.
Adam smiled." Okay!"

We got a big booth.
I sat in between max and ty. Ian, tyler, and jason sat across from us.
And barney and adam sat at the ends.
Max kept sitting close to me.
I felt a little uncomfortable but I delt with it.
"I'll be right back." I said, turning to look at max, than quickly looking over to ty. Max was sitting right infront of a seat whose chair was practicaly pressed up to his so I couldnt get out of his side.
"Where are you going?" Max asked quickly before ty moved out.
"Bathroom." I said quickly. It was a lie but I just wanted a little space of being squished.
"I'll come." Ty said, understanding I wanted air.
I nodded slowly and headed over.
I felt max's eyes burning into the backs of our necks as we left.
"Stay max!!!" I heard adam scream.
"Fine!!!" He hissed.
"Ross doesnt need help going to the bathroom!" Tyler laughed.
"Or does he?" One of them said and they all laughed.
I opened the door to the bathroom, and turns out there was only one toliet bathroom place. (Im a girl and I dont know how this stuff works so...)
ty slipped in before I could close the door.
He closed it than locked it.
I blinked. "Uhm... you could wait outside." I said awkwardly, pointing at the door. Taking a step back.
He smiled. "Its fine."
Not to me. Is it something you do? Go to the bathroom together? Are you a girl?! I decided not to say my thoughts aloud.
I ended up backing into the wall.
He put his arms on either side of me, leaning onto the wall. I grin on his face.
"Hello." I squeaked.
"Hi." He said, leaning in to a make out.


I sat in my chair. I kept looking over to the bathroom. Hoping to see ross apear.
"How long does it take him to go?!" Tyler gasped after 10 minutes passed.
We had gotten our pizza already and we had gotten 3.
There was about 1 and 1/2 pizza left.
"I guess he did need help!" Jason said with a shrug.
I felt myself get red. No.
I turned over again to look. I see the bathroom door open and a lady walk out. "Wait. What!?" I gasped as she walked back to her table.
I stood up and ran over.
Only one door. I wasnt going crazy.
I knocked, and no response.
I opened it to see it empty.
No!!!!! I gasped and ran back to my table. "They arent there!!!"
"What!?!" Barney gasped.
"I saw no one!!!" I cried.
Adam stood up and held me.
"Its okay!!!" He said, a little soothingly.
"No its not!!!" I said and pushed him back.
"So no more pizza?" Ian said as everyone got up; he looked sadly at the pizza.
"Lets just. Try and find them." Jason said as he looked around the restaurant at where he stood.


Me and ross sat on a park bench outside the pizzaria restaurant in the park.
Ross lay on my arm asleep.
Perfect. I thought with a grin.
I looked at the big glass he was holding.
I quickly grabbed it and poured the remaining wine into the grass.

Sorry for the cliff hanger!!!! This chapter was LONNGGGG!!! Well. Im still gonna try and fit another chapter in today!!! Love you all!! <3 and you all are beautiful in your own ways!!!!

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