chapter 10

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Screw the other thing. Idc im writing this anyways even though it might not be long.


I sat on my bed listening to 'if I had you' (idk what max listens to and im just writing down what im listening to right now... dont judge)
We had gotten back from the pool about an hour ago and I kept seeing shelby look at me and ross and smile.
Eh, shes weird. So I pushed the thought aside and looked over at the other bed.
Ross and shelby had gone to walk around.
I turned on the tv and started watching some show.
I looked over at the door where I hoped ross would appear at soon.
I looked over at my phone and saw a text come. Convenient. I thought as I opened the text.

Ross texts:
Hey! Me and shelby have found and awesome place to go tomorrow and thought if you would like to come?

I kinda felt .......jealous ...... that ross was just gonna go somewhere with shelby even though... shut up!!!!!!

Max texts:
Sure!!! <3

Ross texts:

Max texts:
Oh crap... sorry. Didnt mean to text that heart......... -.-'

Ross texts:
Oh, okay. Well, see you later! :)

I turn off my phone after a couple of seconds.
I than turn off the tv and layed down in bed.
I hole he loves me because........

Well... sorry guys this was the shortest and stupidest chapter I ever wrote.... :/ well, its a chapter right??? Im just realy tired. I will try and write another chapter tomorrow though! Love you all!!! <3

Say You Love Me (Ross X Max)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ