chapter 19

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I looked down at adams phone. Why he be like, oh im fine! Cuase he clearly not!
Adam put his arm around me and I almost cried. This isnt right, to be cheating on ross since hes gone.
"You okay?" Adam asked, reaching for hks phone with his other hand.
I nodded it and handed it to him.
"Whats?!?" Barney gasped as he walked into the room. We sat on the couches at the office.
"Hey barney!" Adam said, waving his phone at him, his arm still around me.
" I thoughts max and the ross were dating?" Barney asked, scratching his head.
"They are." Adam said, still not moving.
"Okays...... wells. Im gonna records." Barney said as he headed to his office.
A tear ran down my face and I stood up.
"Where you going?" Adam asked, looking up.
"To find ross."

Ross POV

I sat on the bed with ty next to me.
I looked over at the stairs as I heard the door open.
"W-whats that!?!" I cried, moving back.
"Oh, come down!" Ty called.
I looked over at ty.
"Its okay!" He laughed.
I looked over at the stairs.
I watched as 2 feet came into view. They were gray and purple boots.
Befor long, jess came into view.
"J-jess!!!!???" I screamed.
"Ross. Oh... um, hi! This is awkward... ty!" She said, gesturing him over.
I stared in shock as I saw a knife in jess' hand. Im gonna die. Befor I even get to say I love you max.....

Adam POV

Max started heading for the staircase with no questions,
"Where are you going?" I called as I tried to catch up with him.
" To find ross," he turned to face me. "Unlike some people."
"Ecuse me!? I tried to help!" I hissed. And held up my phone.
"You tried to makeout with me. Which worked..." he said angrily, hitting himself in the head with his hands.
"Well, im sorry that your so hot!" I said unintentionally.
"I know I fucking am." Max said, trying to hide a smile.
"Well, where is ross?" I said, trying to not change the subject. But hes important to max.
"We check everywhere. He said hes in a basement. Lets check ALL the basements." He said, turning around to look at me.
"Why cant the cops do it?" I groaned.
"You dont have to come." He said.
"But I want to help." I said.
He smiled. "Fine."
I smiled back.
"Okay, lets stop smiling and find ross!" He laughed.
"Okay!" I laughed back, which made us both crack up.


Me and adam quickly ran down the stairs.
"Wait!" Adam screamed before I exited the place.
" our work place has a basement!" He said, grabbing my hand, and dragging me over to the stairs.
"No one is that stupidddddd. Okay." I said as we started heading down.
"Theres a creepy ass door." Adam pointed out.
"Good for you! Lets open it!" I said, reaching for the knob.
"Wnat if this is a room!!!??? Listen first idiot." Adam laughed and punched me playfully.
I put my ear up to the door.
Nothing, only hushed whispers and shuffling.
Adam knocked suddenly.
"Hello???" He called into the door like anna did.
The noise stopped. I backed up quickly and heard someone walking up stairs.
I pushed adam infront of me.
"Jerk." He said.
"Who is it?" Tys voice said.
"Adam!!!!" Adam said happily.
Ty opened the door to see me having my hands on adams shoulders behind him.
"Hello." I said before letting go of adam.
Ty nodded.
"Can we come in?" I growled.
"Sure! One sec." He said before turning around. "Hide!!!"
"What da fuuuuu" adam said, turning to look at me.
I shrugged, all I cared about was going to ross.
"Come in." Ty said, after the shuffling around decreased.
I bolted down the stairs.
I turned and saw ross, sitting on the bed.
But something was diffrent.....

Yup. Cliff hanger again. I will write as much as I can!!! Love you all!!!!! <3

Remeber your always beautiful. <3

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