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Hey!!! Its meeeeeeee. Im sorry I dont really write mithross books anymore. I still ship it though! :3 I just want yall to know I still read your beautiful comments. I smile ear to my other ear when I read them, I just feel like we're a family! <3 I love you all so much and I wish I could give you all a big hug in real life!!! (But I cant cause im an introvert and I cant give away my location for reasons everyone knows. But if I ever dooooo go to a public place like a zoo or mine con(haha I doubt it my family is cheap as fuck) but if I do, ill let you guys know in case you want to meet me! ^-^ Honestly, it amazes me of how much of you love my book! For you guys, ill make a REALY QUICK mithross thingy.


I slowly reached for each button on my phone, texting the guys.
Max: hey (insert office member name) , me ross and tim are inviting you guys to watch fireworks are the park woth us!
And than they will text back, yes. MY FINGER SPAZZED HERE

After texting everyone at the offices I layed back in my bed.
"Maxxxxxxxxx come here!" I here ross call from the kitchen.
I uhg in annoyance and got up and went to the kitchen.
"What do you want?" I ask, leaning on the frame of the door.
"How are you tired?" Ross laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "I had to text the same thing to everyone! I had to use my THUMB." I say, pointing at my thumb.
Ross laughed again. "Okay! Its sooooo tireing."
I playfully punch him in the shoulder, planting I kiss on his mouth.
"Okay, why did you really want me here?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"I dont know actually. I foregot.... wait! Did tim get the food?" Ross said.
I nodded. "Yah, well. Hes getting it right now."
"Ahhh, okay."


ross POV

I sat on the park bench, watching all the people I used to work with lay down their blankets and eat some food.
"Hey ross!" Adam said, startling me.
"H-hi adam!" I said back.
"Want to sit next to me and red? Alesa is staying home with mason, so red offered to be my date!" Adam asked.
I tilted my head. Whats going on between red and adam. Did red reject barney or some shit? Like, are they best friends nkw? FUCKING ROSS JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION HES WAITING!!!!
(shit, I still had caps lock, im not gonna fix that.)
Adam nodded with a smile and went to his spot with red.
I stood up and went to find max, who was at the snack table; watching barney and tim set up the fireworks.
"Hey max!" I say giving him a hug.
"Hi! "
"We're gonna sit next to adam and red, okay?"
"Because he asked and I said SURE." I said, pointing over the boys.
Max moaned but agreed.
I quickly grabbed a plate and put some goldfish on it, and we quickly headed over to our spot.
Max laid down our blanket next to adams and reds when I got over. Max was sitting on the opposite side of the blanket, away from adam and red.
I sat down next to max, smiling as he put his arm around me.
"Hi ross!" Red said wavjng at me.
"Hi red." I say, returning the wave.
"Its gonnas blow!" We here barney yell and watch as him and tim run away from the now burning fireworks.
About a second later the fireworks shoot into the sky, creating magkcal sparkles which slowly fell the ground.
This continued for about 30 min., making everyone sit in silence, watching the fireworks go off.
Near the end I fell asleep on maxs shoulder , cuasing him to fall alseep to.

We ended up sleeping out there the whole night. (Dont do that kids you would get stolen by some creep. And shit, this sounds like a diary)
I awoke to seeing the sky offices talking away about I have no idea and I dont care about stuff.
Max started to wake up too, soon after.
I looked up at him and gave him a toothy smile.
He laughed and smiled back.

Hey guys! Sorry for ending this! I honestly feel really bad! And I knkw this is not the best I could do OwO. And that little part in this was a hint hint, wink wink, nugde nudge, poke poke, tickle tickle, wiggle wiggle, at my new fan fic I will start writing! The part with adam and red if you're stupid and dont get all my motions. I love you all so much and yall mean the world to me! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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