There's a Thin Line Between Love and Hate (37)

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Are you a peppy person?

I'm not.

Never have, never will be. Sure, I act all happy and peppy around my friends, but that's around my friends. I hate when I'm in huge groups and have to act all peppy.

"Aren't you excited about the pep rally?" Lexi asked me excitedly, a wide grin adorning her face. "It's the last pep rally of the year!"

"It's the only pep rally that they ever had while we were here," I pointed out flatly, not really in the mood to talk about something peppy.

"But still!" Lexi continued on smiling, completely oblivious to my unhappy attitude. "A pep rally is still a pep rally!"

I hadn't ever liked pep rallies. I just normally wasn't into the stupid little things they did at them. I'd always come out at the end with a sore throat and throbbing ears, so they weren't exactly my favorite thing in the world.

I still hadn't found out what was wrong with Jesse. It wasn't like I could just ask him or anything, because I know he wouldn't have told me because I knew he didn't want to worry me.

But I was already worried, and I wouldn't be stopping until he told me what was wrong. But then I'd probably start worrying over whatever was bothering him...

"You know Jordan's never liked pep rallies," Chelsea grinned, her arms crossed over her chest as she plopped down onto her bed. "She always whines about how they're so loud and obnoxious."

"They are!" I defended, even though I really didn't have anything that I had to defend. "You know I hate loud things like that."

AJ rolled her eyes. "Come on, Jor. This is the pep rally that honors all the seniors! The only other time they do that is during graduation!"

Graduation. I had been fearing that day ever since I fell in love with Jesse. Before that, I couldn't wait for graduation. I couldn't wait to get out of high school and into college, where I'd be free of my family and be able to do whatever I wanted. But now, I just wanted to stay where I was and not have everything changed.

"I can't wait for graduation," Chelsea sighed, stretching out on her bed and letting out a groan as she did so. "The sooner we're out of here, the better."

I couldn't agree with her. I did, once upon a time, but now I definitely did not. Because back then I was just a whiney, oblivious schoolgirl that thought getting a B on an assignment was the worst thing that could ever happen to me. But now I had grown older, though it had only been a few months, and I knew that there were worse things possible.

"Yeah," Lexi agreed with her usual wide smile. "But it'll be so sad because Jordan's going off to Yale so early in the summer. And then we're all going to be separated because we're all going to different colleges."

My eyes widened, and I had to bit my tongue to stop myself from gasping. I was so distracted by Jesse and Hunter, I didn't even think about the future with my friends. We were all going to be scattered across the country, and there was a huge chance we'd never see or talk to each other ever again.

I didn't want to think like that. Chelsea, AJ, and Lexi were my best friends. There was no way I would lose touch with them. We wouldn't let that happen.

"I love you guys," I blurted without even thinking, and I bit my lip after I had done so. Now they were going to think I was going to die or something! But everything with Hunter... It could have been possible.

Lexi blinked at me. "Is something wrong, Jordan? You've been acting kind of weird for a while."

Now could have been time to tell them. I could have told them how I was in love with Jesse and how we were going out. I could have told them about Hunter and how we didn't really go out, but he was stalking me. I could have told them everything, but I didn't.

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