Escape has a price

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4 of my parents best troops come in.
"My lady, we must go... NOW!" Just like that they surround my mom as they walk to the escape pods." She mustn't fall in there hands, her powers is too grate in there hands. We must hide her far away from are planet."
" Yes my lady, but how?" " I've been studying a planet far away, it would be a grate hiding spot till the war ends. Then we will come back." " And this planet is?" ".....Earth," " But my lady-"
Before he could finish 3 trisaratons burst threw the wall and face us." We are here for the star child, turn her over and no one gets hurt." "NEVER!!!! TOUCH MY CHILD AND ILL RIP YOUR BONES AND FEED THEM TO MY DOGS WHILE THERE IS STILL AIR IN YOUR LUNGS!!!!" And my mother will, and she will laugh. But they just chuckled and got out there guns.

The troops stripes glowed and they form shields to block there hits. One troop took my mother and helped us get away as the others fight. They walked outside but trisaratons were everywhere, just like that my mom stomped on the ground shaking the area and spikes nock them out." My queen GO, I'll hold them off," " Thank you." He nods " it's my honor, to help you." She runs inside a building and gets to the top floor but there he was, the captain." Look who I found, he he u know I didn't expect it to be this easy. Although I did lose a lot of men today."
" And now count u as one of them," " ha ha, I'm taking the child... And u won't stop me." " Oh ya, don't be so sore." He got his guns out and started to shoot her but as quick as light she made a shield and wam him with it, hitting him a few steps back as she starts to mess with the computers, but he whacks her with a tail and she drops me." Ugh, Eclipse!!" " Mommy!!" He grabs me and holds me up and points a gun at my mom. But big white wings burst out of her back and blocks the shoots and whacks his hand. Dropping the gun she punched him in the face and holds me in her arms. She turns on a pod and sets it for earth " eclipse listen to me vary closely, I'm going to put a spell on u. You won't remember anything about me or this land till the time comes, when you find your inner animal then you can use your powers to come back. Until then you are on your own from here." " Mommy I'm scared," " I know, but u are brave, and your are the star child. You are the strongest out of all of us, and we will wait for your return. My future God." Then she presses the bottom and sends me into space.   

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