Trip to Japan part 2

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Sorry it took me so long to update, but ive been busy working on school and other books.

I saw Sabrina give the crayon back to Mikey, and she even colored with him." Here let's draw together," he smiled as he give a peace to her " ya ok." She took it and started to draw a lion. I was surprised that she knows how it looks like, I'm sure Donnie must of showed her a picture. Sometimes I wonder about her past, who is she?where did she come from? But when I look at her smile I can see she's happy, happy to have a family and a place called home. I was off in my own mind when a guard come are way, he flashed his flashlight but nothing was there. We have hidden in the shadows, once he left it was ok to come out. You see through grate d difficult I have gathered up my master Yoshis ashes, and I was determined to honor his wish. That he'd be buried in the land of his birth and near the home of his sensi and adopted father, the ancient one.

It took all of my skills as a ninja to keep us from getting seen, but we made it. The ancient one was put up wet laundry to dry when I walked up too him, he seam startled at first." Dahhhh," " ancient one, it is a grate honor to-," " bah, be gone, I have no time today for a rat monsters mischief." He was a short, chubby, wove older man with cloth shorts and a vest that was open. ( I am not an expert on Japanese clothing and what there called ) He went right back to his laundry, " wise one please, I know I must look strange, I am Splinter." " Splinter, Splinter, you are the rat Yoshi and tangshang ( I don't know how to spell her name ) keeper as a pet? How?" " It is a long and strange tail, I have gone threw changes, since master yoshi.... Sine he.." " since yoshi what? How is my yoshi?" " I am sorry, he has been slain, his life was taken by the shredder." " No this can not be, no, nooo. This would not be if yoshi had keep my wishes, stayed in japan, and joined the ninja try-beaunal," " as I remember the ninja try-beaunal is to blame they were ask to fight the Shredder and did nothing, perhaps yoshi would be alive today if the try-beaunal hadn't been so dismissive."

They boys ran off playing tag so I came with. I got tagged so I got close to Mikey and tagged him then ran off with Raph. When I saw Raph stopped I walked by him " what's the madder?" " There's a man in the bushes." I looked at the bushes and saw a claw like hand agents a stone block by the bushes. I could sence a evil presence and started to growl at it." Hey guys time out, look there's a man in the bushes over there." Raph was calling the other wile I was on all fours growling at it." What do you think he's doing?" Mikey asked " maybe he's lost or something?" Leo said." Hey mister," Raph called out to him. But I felt myself tense up and my gut was at end.
He jumped out and screamed his roar with a hiss at the end. He was a skeleton with red eyes and a black cloak with a red collar around the top. He had a golden necklace with a red glowing gem in the middle. Every one screamed in horror but was growling and roaring at it. Somehow I wasn't scared, I felt like protecting them.

TMNT My new weird familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें