Trip to japan part one

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After a good nights rest I woke up happy and excited. Today was the day we go to japan. I jumped out of bed and went to Raphs room.
"Wake up, wake up," I was shaking him but he wouldn't budge." Mmmmm go back to sleep," I got an idea and dropped a little water on his face." Dah h-hey I'm up Im up,"he got up but splatter water on my face " hey, I deserve that." We shared a laugh and woke up the others. We went to Splinters room but he was already awake, he was holding a white jar with blue designs on it and a gold handle. He seamed sad and was holding in in his arms." Sensei are you ok, you seam sad." I walked up and hugged him
" I'm sorry if I worried you, I was just thinking of.... Never mind, let us hurry before we miss the ship."
Once we were on the ship Leo and Donnie were jumping up and down on a hay stack. Mikey was drawing and I was well lost in thought. I remember this boat some how, like I Seen it before." Are you ok Crystal, does something bother you?" " I don't know, it's hard to explain, That dream I had for so long, I feel like I was there. But when I wake up I don't remember it." He seamed pretty worried, I could hear Mikey crying in the back ground. I got up and went to Raph " what did you do now?" " I didn't do anything I swear," I saw a broken yellow crayon under is hand " uh hu sure." I took the crayon and walked to Mikey." Here, now you have two to color with," he smiles and took the crayon and started to do swirls on the paper " thx Crystal," I smiles " anytime."

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