Trip to Japan part 4

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I don't understand, why cant he see him? Could he be a spirit of some kind? I herd only animals and kids could see ghosts, unless it lets it self be seen which isn't common. 

We buried his ashes by a tree, were there was a grave stone. On it was the name Tangshang, the name of Yoshi's lover. The sun was setting so there was a bright glow all around us, it was nice. If only we weren't here for a burial. 

We gave our respects and had a moment of silence for him, If only i knew him..then maybe i would at lest shed some tears. I feel bad that i'm just standing hear at his grave, but not feeling much sadness for his death. 

I was happy when we headed inside, it felt like time had stopped. After we ate Splinter was brushing my fur, he does that before and after i go to bed. I could feel the brush lightly scratch the back of my head, it felt nice. I love it when Splinter brushes my fur, now i know how a dog feels. Every time he does i start to purr, it makes him smile when i act like a kitten. But all good things come to a end, it was time for bed. 

" Come on my young ones, you need your rest." Splinter always refers us to 'young ones', i never knew why. Then again i see no point in asking. 

We were spending the night in a yellow room with tall beams supporting the ceiling. Candles were spread about, some on a candle stick. In the back of the room was a big red quilt covering the whole back wall, in the middle was a yin and yang symbol. We were laying on green mats on the ground, i don't find it comfortable at all. Well its better than on a rocking boat, then again at lest there was straw to sleep on. 

I was the closes to Raph, i sleep better with him near by. Laying on my back looking at the ceiling i was thinking about that skeleton. Why didn't i run like the others? Why did i fight back, why was i not scared? " Hey Sabrina, are you up?" I turn to my side to see Raph facing me " no i'm dead asleep." I joked, it seamed to put a smile on his face and he chuckled a bit." Sure you are, hey can i ask you something?" He asked " of corse, anything." I told him " do you think that skeleton thing will come back?" 

I could tell he was scared, but knowing him he doesn't like to admit it. I knew i had to find some way to calm him down, or at lest make him feel safe." If it does i promise i wont let it hurt you or your brothers," he was shocked at my response. Hearing me take charge in there safety, acting like a real big sister. He cheeks grew a big pink once i said that " but what if you get hurt?" He asked worried         " then i get hurt, but it will be worth it. If protecting the ones i care about means ricking my own life, then i will gladly take it." I smiled at him showing theres nothing to be scared of. 



I was shocked, hearing her act so brave. Talking strong like nothing was wrong, hearing her say she wanted to protect us made my face hot. 

" If protecting the ones i care about means risking my own life, then i would gladly take it." 

Her words echoed in my head. She was wiling to risk her life to protect us, but why? Or was she just trying to calm me down? Either way, i want to be the strong one. I want to be the one to protect her, not the other way around. Although knowing she cared about me sent zaps all over my body, i hate it when my body does that...but yet, i also love it at the same time. 



Seeing the look on his face let me knows he calmed down." Thanks," he said with his pink cheeks, i have to admit it was pretty cute seeing him like that." Anytime," i told him " now get some rest, we have a busy day tomorrow." He nodded and turned around, now al i could see was his shell and the back of his head. 

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