Trip too Japan part 7

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Sabrina -----------We started to follow the Ancient one till we came to a long bridge that leads to what looks like a city, with a dragon made of brick wrapped around it

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We started to follow the Ancient one till we came to a long bridge that leads to what looks like a city, with a dragon made of brick wrapped around it. ( the first picture ) I look over the edge of the bridge as we walk, all I could see is a thick misty fog with no end.

We walk threw the dragons mouth like a tunnel, leading us to a bunch of building, and a golden path way.
After following them for a bit we come to a huge clearing with the biggest building up ahead, must be important.
The Ancient one walks into the building after opening the huge doors and closing them behind him, however the skeleton ghost turns to a different direction and looks around.

We went to the same building as the Ancient one, only to hear many voices talk, but only me and Splinter could here them well. The others didn't have ears like ours, so they can't hear what we do. So they leaned on the door to hear better "should we nock?" I asked looking up at Splinter "no, that would be rude to interrupt their conversation. We wait till he comes out," with that I nodded and looked around the place.

After a few minutes the starts to open and the boys fall to the floor, on the other side stood a shocked Ancient one.
"What are you doing here?" He asks surprised "the children have been seeing a fantom stocking you, the same ghost they encountered at your home. We followed to see that you came to no harm." Splinter said as I looked around, till I found the ghost walking a building like it was his objective. "There it is!" I yell pointing at it, everyone turns around and Raph yells "there it goes now!" After me, "I see nothing." The Ancient one says looking at where I pointed "nor do I, but there is a presence in the air. Something is not right." Splinter says sniffing the air, "he's heading for that house over there!" Me and Raph both point at it which seamed to catch the Ancient one's attention. "The pool of sorrow...the artifacts! Curse me for a donkeys bottom!" He yells like he was frustrated but splinter just says "what?" I think we all were confused but we follow him when he says "come, we must make haste."

I don't know what's going on, but I don't like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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