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When the pod landed in a place surrounded by object I never new, I walked out and looked around my surroundings ( it's a junk yard ).Mom risked her life to save me, and I won't waste it. I will make her proud, I will survive.

I make sure to look around every corner to see if there are other creatures...and there were. I saw a group of tall creatures covered in cloths, no fur or ears or a tail, just skin and cloths. Weird? Well this is a different planet. I walk away back to my pod, but I got a small head ake. I could feel my memories of my home and family drifting away, no plz mom no. Too late, they were gone...for now.
Now I was a vary confused mutain white tiger. No home, no family, no memories. Then I smelled something new, like a rat. I follow this smell in hope of dinner but instead I find myself staring at a tall mutain rat. I make haste and hide in a tire before he could see me. Thx to all the smells he can't smell me either.

Splinter POV.
I try to find more furniture for my family, and found a weird pod. The writing on it was not of this world, and it's high technology was new to me. I try to see if it works but I looked like it was dead for sure. Then I herd a small can fall and role away. I could tell I was not alone, I follow to were the sound came from and found a small white tiger mutain cub. It could tell it was scared and started to hiss." Shhhh it's ok, I won't hurt you little one. Where did you come from?" I guess it couldn't talk or understand what I was saying. It just tilted it's head in confuse. It's eyes were a beautiful crystal blue that sparkled in the moonlight. I knew right there what to call her... Her? Yes her, I could tell by the look of her face she looked like a female." Come here my child, come on," she slowly walked closer till she was right in front of me. I picked her up and placed her in my lap, she look at me with her Crystal eyes and started to purr." I will call you Crystal, little one. You can call me splinter." Then she started to speak "Splinter?" " yes that is my name," at that moment she gave me the kindest smile I ever seen, one that warms up your heart.

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