Chapted 1: a not-so-happy sleeping beauty

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  • مهداة إلى to everyone who reads this :) thanks

this is the first proper chapter in this book. Enjoy :) comment and like. i would like to hear your ideas and tips and stuff :)

"Ashleigh! Wake up! You're leaving today! "

"5 more minutes! I slept late last night..."

"We leave in an hour and you take long to pack up and you know it!"

"okay okay Amy! I'm up! Now get off! If you wanna wake me up, i prefer you hit me with a pillow than sit on me!"

"Haha ok!"

thump! step step! slam! Click! 

"Mom and dad are already up! if you don't come down in five minutes, i'll send Max up and he's been in the rain!"

Ashleigh rolled over onto her back and yawned, her long hair fanning out around her on the pillow. I hate it when she does that...Mrs and Mr Cross shouldn't have gotten a dog for her! Now she's using that poor thing to make me do what she wants! she moaned in her head.  

She climbed out of bed and straightened out her pajamas. Well i'm up, better not waste time lounging in bed! She walked towards her bedroom window and flung the pretty, light blue curtains to the side. Warm, summer sunlight filled her room. Love the sun! She gazed around the room. Once she goes to the academy, it will be a whole semester before she sees this room again.

She was going to miss her lovely full length mirror and her soft, warm bed. She was going to miss her light blue beanbag that slouched on the floor by her bed. She was going to miss her fluffy white carpet that was warm and soft, it brought back such mmories.

Her eyes fell on her blue wall clock. 6:10! oh wow! i had better hurry! She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She was practically darting around the bathroom, freshening herself up as quickly as she could and nearly slipped on a bath towel that was lying on the floor. She ran the brush through her wavy, rosy pink hair (yes rosy pink, she's the girl on the cover.) and tied it in a high pony tail. 

She put on the academy summer uniform and looked at herself in the mirror. White blouse with a white sweater over it and a navy blue jacket. A short blue skirt with thy high dark blue socks and black shoes. She smiled. She really did fancy the school uniform. She looked at the clock. 6:15, it took me 5 minutes...well that was a new record!

"hey Ashleigh! your time is nearly up! 15, 14, 13, 12, 11,10, 9,...." Amy called from downstairs.  omg! that little brat! she cursed in her head. That little devil in angel's cloak! Revenge list: 1. THE BRAT AMY! Even though she thought that, it wasn't like she hated Amy. They got along pretty well compared to other siblings.  They teased each other and played pranks on each other. Ashleigh was the EXPERT when it came to getting revenge, but Amy was the MASTER at black mailing, as you can see! 

She was making her way to the door and tripped over something, landing on a pile of clothes. She groaned and slowly got up again and turned to see what she had tripped on. She had tripped over one of her suit cases, which were still empty and lying around. All sorts of clothes, books and gadgets were lying everywhere, still waiting to be packed! Omg! i think i got a headache! she put one finger on her temple. So much to do and only 45 minutes to do it in!  

" 5, 4, 3, 2 ...!" omg! that little brat! She ran out and slammed  the door close behind her. 

Thanks for reading! chapted 2 will be out soon...i hope :)

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