Chapter 25: Night as a Knight

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it took a while but now, CHAPTER 25! ^^ 


Ashleigh's P.O.V

I Swear i nearly peed in my pants when i saw that monster! At first i thought it was just a normal wolf who had an ENORMOUS growth spurt, but when it turned to look at me, attracted by the stupid act i did 5 seconds ago, i saw a white diamond with a dot in the middle imprinted on it's head. 

Also, in the faint moonlight, i could see it's fur wasn't grey, but tinted dark green. And instead of a white belly, it had a tan coloured belly with dark brown markings from it's head to it's tail. I would have stood there marvelling in it's beauty if i wasn't trying to get the hell out of there! 

My first instinct was to run for my life and never turn back! Leave Amy behind, i mean c'mon, she's a pain in the neck right? I wouldn't miss her! Then i remembered i'd be in even MORE pain when mom finds out. I swear, she can be a she-devil at times!

So i decided to do what was best, and probably less painful, fight that over sized mutt! 

Apparently my broom didn't help much. It flew out of my hands and into the wall when the wolf whacked it. I grabbed the nearest thing i could get, a frying pan. Apparently Amy had made cheese omelets and didn't bother eating with a plate.

don't ask me HOW she made them, all i know is that i heard a sizzle then a big BOOOM!

I whacked the wolf across the head and blocked it's paw when it tried to whack me again. I didn't believe frying pans were so useful, even after watching Tangled. Now, i stand corrected!

It lunged at me and would have bit one of my arms off if i didn't dive under the sofa. It's actually quite roomy under there! The wolf latched onto my slip slop and tried pulling me out. It was like a wild game of tug of war, except it was tugging against a sofa for ME! And apparently the sofa was winning.

my slipper gave way sending the wolf into the wall and me under the sofa. I'm actually glad i lost that slipper, it was one of the hearts and teddy bears one that my mom bought me. I took the other slipper off. "Hey Here! You can have the other one!" i called throwing him the slipper.

The wolf seemed to be unconscious, propped up against the wall. In the moonlight, it's shape flickered and faded, kinda like a 3D picture when you tilt it from side to side. One second there was a wolf, next there was a man. He had blonde hair that matched Ethan and Rebbecca's and was in his, dare i say it, pink heart boxers with no other clothes. And i thought me in my pink teddy pajamas were embarrassing enough!

I silently edged towards him, frying pan at the ready. "Are you awake?" i hissed poking his forehead with the edge of the frying pan. His eyes slowly open. They were such a pretty shade of blue! I was gonna have a staring session but didn't get a chance to.

The wolf form was back and it pounced on me before i could make for the sofa again. I held the frying pan to my face to protect me but that didn't last long. One bite and there were four holes in the pan. "EEK!" i squeaked and whacked the wolf as hard as i could, sending the flying pan bouncing off his head and hitting the wall. 

That distracted him long enough, i skidded under the coffee table and grabbed the broom just in time to block another pounce attack.  "Gosh, how did witches use this thing? I'd really like to fly outta here right now!" i muttered with the wolf's canines just centimetres from my face and it's hot breathe on me. It definitely needed some mints!

 The next few moments went by in a flash. I blocked every bite, whack or any other kind of attack the wolf threw at me. It was a weird feeling. Adrenaline rushed through my body that i didn't seem to control. My body moved instinctively, blocking all attacks and never missing a hit. In a few moments, i had to wolf in a chain lock. 

Well after all that attacking, i had lost all my energy and i felt faint. I let the wolf go and collapsed in a heap, unable to move. The wolf seemed pretty beaten up to and wobbled on it's paws, probably coz i was choking it a minute ago. 

There was a big bang as something crashed to the ground behind me. There was another bang and the wolf slumped and collapsed, a tranquilizer dart in it's shoulder. 

I heard footsteps and it sounded like 3 people. One large man with a tranquilizer gun carefully stepped over me to examine the wolf, "We've been looking for this one." he said in a deep voice. 

"Poor girl." a lady said, she had a kind of sweet voice as if she hadn't a trouble in the world.

"how in the world did she take out this one?!" the man said and i could feel him pointing at me. 

A warm hand slowly stroked my cheek and i was carefully picked up. "she must have had a surge of adrenaline, nothing special." a familiar voice said, as if trying to hide something, "i'll take her back to the Association where she can rest." 

My eyes opened just enough to see Darren's concerned face peering down at me before they closed and i was shut into eternal darkness.


 When i woke up, i was in a hospital bed. A vase of flowers stood on the bedside table and Something warm was around my right hand. I slowly sat up to see Darren asleep with his head on the bed, my hand in his. I felt myself blush and quickly looked out the window to my left. 

I didn't recognize the courtyard outside that was surrounded by high walls or the streets that led out. All i could recognize was the roof of the Academy a few blocks away. "Gosh, why hadn't i noticed this place before?" As i said it, Darren stirred beside me. 

He slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes, "Ashleigh, it's great you're awake." he said with a sleepy smile. "you know what happened la-" KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. We both looked behind him as the door slowly opened to reveal a VERY fidgety and nervous Rebbecca.

"H-hey." she said looking at me, then she glanced at Darren, "can i have a chat with her? alone?"

He nodded sleepily and went out leaving me and Rebbecca alone in the room. 

She put down a bag on the bed and emptied out a bunch of books, "these are the work that you left at home." she said flatly. 

I smiled weakly and stacked them in a pile.

"do you even know where you are?!" she hissed. She didn't give me time to answer. "This is the Association! The Hunter's Association!!"

somehow, i didn't seem very surprised. "how did you get in here?!" I hissed back, "you're a we-"

She clamped her hand over my mouth, "Darren called me and i came in as a 'trustworthy friend.' So they didn't check me. So do you mind telling me what got you into this mess?!"

I felt a bit nervous, "Last night...a wolf attacked my parents house and...i...fought it." i said shakily. 

Rebbecca slapped her forehead. "yeh, i saw it being caged up when i came in, but that's not a wolf, you dodo head!" she hissed, "That was a werewolf and that was my dad!"

so sorry it took so long to update! Please vote and comment!


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