Chapter 17: Midnight Memories

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chapter 17 here....might take a while to post the tuned!!!!!! 

Invisible person's P.O.V 

She stared at him for a while, into those dark beautiful eyes. He smirked at her and stared back. "Are you ok?" She shook her head trying to stop herself from zoning out....again...she did seem to zone out..ALOT! She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." but in her head she was saying WHAT! This is KAIN TAKESHI?! I am sitting next to the prince/night class scholar/prince of this school?!?! She lay her head back on the fountain with the book over her head. He smiled and sat down next to her. 

"What are you, a normal defenseless girl, doing here so late?" he asked. She moved the book away from her face and stared down at the illegible words. "Oh, I'n just waiting for a friend. He's doing trials." He seemed to piece things together. "Ah, so your friend is in the night class?" She looked at him. "Hey what about y-" but then she remembered that she ought to not let him know that she knew what he was. He smiled. "Ah, so you do know i'm in the night class too." 

She looked a bit surprised for a second but recovered. "well i was told it's true?" He smirked and sat on the fountain. "Every bit of it, love." She raised and eyebrow at the word love but she decided to let it slide. She opened the book and tried to continue reading. "love, you're not going to get far if you can't read Latin." he said smirking. She laughed for a second. "then can you read to me?" His eyes sparkled slightly that made her feel slightly tingly inside. "Of course, milady." 

He took the book and began reading again. "Now where was i? Ah right here! Purebloods are extremely rare as many other members of the vampire/werewolf species's bloodlines have been tampered with. They are....." She was silent and watched him...she still couldn't get it into her head the fact that he was Kain and he was here...right here.. The words he said just sounded like 'blah blah blah' as she tried to think what she was going to do next.

"say, why aren't you doing YOUR trials?" she asked. He stopped reading and smirked at her. "I finished long time ago. My results were brought from my old Academy so i don't have to do it." Her mouth gaped wide with total shock. He smirked and put a finger under her chin, pushing up to close her mouth. "Be careful, love, you wouldn't want to catch flies!" he laughed and winked at her, one she did not return. Mainly because she was gaping ,and catching flies, again.

He smiled and continued reading. She listened silently, taking in all the information. The winter wind whipped through her hair and made her shiver. She looked at the sky and could see the very first snow clouds edging towards the academy. He looked down at her. "would you like me to get you a scarf, love?" he asked smirking. She shook her head. "don't worry, i'll get it myself." she said and slowly got up. She walked down the path and into the main corridors that were deserted apart from a few students here and there. Most were day class. probably stalking again. she said in her head. 

She got to her dorm where Natasha was already inside doing homework. "Where were you?" she exclaimed, "i was so worried that you got kidnapped and thrown into an oven to be fed to cannibals or something." Ashleigh laughed and plonked herself down on the bed. "I was just with..some friends." she said, not wanting to tell who that 'friend' was, mainly because she didn't want Natasha to go near a Night Class Student.

Natasha nodded and continued typing on the computer. A pair of glasses were set on her nose. Yeah Natasha wore glasses..well only when she was on computer...other wise she was just her normal, glasses-less self. Ashleigh grabbed her coat and making her way back to the fountain. She walked through the corridors, that just a few minutes ago still had some people walking through it. The floor underneath her feet were hard, cold and slippery because of the cold and frost that the winter wind brought.

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