Chapter 5 : Worst and best acquaintance ever!

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Chapter 5! i am on fire! :) hope you enjoy, please like and comment, i'd like to hear ur tips and ideas! 

Ashleigh sat in class, doodling in her new exampad, expecting to see a blond boy with jade eyes and a blond girl with amber eyes come walking through the door to take their seats somewhere in the classroom. She frowned when they didn't and she was worried that they decided to cut class, something the teachers wouldn't favour. 

She doodled on. A million questions racing through her head, round and round like race cars on a track. Why are there immortal and mortal dorms? its not like people here can live forever! And why is Ethan so strong and fast? He could be an athlete or something...but he said he never exercised to become what he was. Oh and why are Rebbecca and Ethan not here? If they don't come to class, then they're gonna be in big trouble! And why...why am i even so worried about this stuff? I should be focused on not making a fool of myself in class!

"Ashleigh?" She looked around, "yes?" no one was looking at her. "Ashleigh!" She noticed the teacher turn to her, holding a clipboard with the class list clipped to it. Then she realised they were doing role call. "Pre...present!" she stuttered, blushing. Wow! smooth move! way to get class popularity! 

Some people giggled and others whispered to there friends sitting next to them. Some pointing at her and others pretending they heard nothing at all. She blushed deep red and buried her nose in her exam pad, doodling furiously. The teacher told the students to quieten down and carried on down the list. She looked up, some people were still smirking at her and she felt a lump in her throat. Wow Ashleigh! You sure are good with first impressions! she scolded herself in her head. I can't wait for this day to eeennnd!!!!!!! then i can go and see Rebbecca and Ethan...... 

"Hey psssst!" Someone hissed. She looked up to see the boy in front of her swivel round in his seat quietly to face her, a funny-looking crooked smile plastered to his face. He had dark brown hair with bright green eyes, not like Ethan's. This boy's eyes were much more greener like fresh grass on a bright summer's day. "what?" she whispered. "Just ignore those other kids, you'll be fine." he said as if he had read her thoughts. "errr....thanks" she said ending there conversation. He frowned slightly but shrugged and turned back to face the front. 

The rest of the day dragged on and on and Ashleigh thought that it would be another million, gazillion years before the lesson ended. She wore a depressed look the whole time on her face, doodling in her book to distract herself from the fact that she could be the class's worst clown. 

A piece of paper fell on her desk and on it were four words: To DoodleGirl, From DudeInFront. Her brow furrowed at the word 'DoodleGirl'. Really? I have a name! A perfectly awesome name! She looked at the boy sitting infront. He was hiding his face in his book, his back to her, but she could see, by the way his cheeks moved up and down, that he was smiling and giggling. She rolled her eyes and opened the note, it read: 

dear DoodleGirl :)

hey u alright? u seem mighty upset! I keep seeing u frowning nd if u keep doin dat, u gonna get major wrinkles! lol! =)) K, seriously now, wat's up? This cant be becoz of those other classmates right? 

From DudeInFront :)

She thought for a moment and wrote a reply: 

what's it 2 u? 

Ashleigh K 

P.S i have a name and it's Ashleigh K

P.S.S Don't go round callin peeps by weird names >:/ its super super weird! 

She through the note over his shoulder. She muffled an uncontrollable giggle when she saw him nearly fall back in his chair when he saw this white note-like thing fall from the sky and sat looking around. His eyes met hers and he smiled knowing it was from her. In a minute or two, he wrote back, tossing it over his shoulder:

Nthin, if a pal is happy, im happy. if pal is not happy, you can bet your bottom dollar that i will be not happy too! ;)

P.S Ashleigh? dats a nice name :) Mine's Darren M, nice 2 meet u 

P.S.S I do dat alllllllll da tym, everyone is fyn wid it. Cut me some slack will ya? 

She rolled her eyes and wrote back: 

Am i considered a pal 2 u? U just met me lyk 5 mins ago....

P.S thanks Darren :)

P.S.S No i will not cut u some slack! wat is dat anyway?!

She threw it over his head and he quickly caught it, he seemed to laugh silently as he read it. She was doodling an anime girl in her book when the note came flying out of nowhere and hit her hand, making draw a line across the perfectly, awesome, anime girl's face. She cursed in her head and opened the note: 

Everyone i lay my eyes on r considered pals 2 me :) even that grumpy janitor down the hall who keeps chasing students around with a mop and broom shouting 'GET AWAY U SCUMBUGS ' lol, that dude doesnt no wat a chillpill is! Nd btw, i make a darn awesome Scumbug lol 

P.S Pleshie, btw y r we even doing dis P.S stuff?

P.S.S its break? 

She scribbled a note back: 

OMG! JUST Great! u made me draw a line across my anime girl's face! Seriously? did he really do dat? u not exaggerating ryt? 

P.S how should i no? :/

P.S.S how do i even do dat? 

She threw the note back and in ten seconds flat, a reply hit her square in the head. Irritated she opened it, It Read: 

lol anyway i'll tell u later DoodleGirl lol xD I dink im gonna keep callin u dat! 

from DudeWhosLaughingHisHeadOff

She threw the note at his head and she hit him right on target! It bounced off his head and hit a dude who was sitting to his left. The dude rubbed his head looking dazed. Must have been sleeping! lol! she laughed in her head. Darren must have noticed that too, while he was silently laughing, he picked up the note and stuffed it into his blue jacket pocket. 

at the end of the lesson, he walked up to her, smirking "lets eat lunch together, we need to chat." 

Oh awesome! i finished chapter 5! i am on a roll here! wooohooo! Next chapter here we come! Guess who's the pic about this time? ;)

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