Chapter 26: Who let the dog out?!

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so sorry i took so long to update! >.< Gr 8 isn't a sweet treat! Tooo much hmwrk lol XD anyway here we goo! 

Ashleigh's P.O.V:

I was alone in the hospital room. Rebbecca had gone out to find something else to chew on to give her poor finger nails a rest. She'd been rocking on her chair and biting her finger nails like mad for the past 2 hours. I had to sweep a sheet of nail bits off my bed!

Well..i can't really blame her. You know, with her dad and everything. I mean, she hadn't seen him in like forever and when she finally found him, he's here in this place that she called the "Association." It's partly my fault that he ended up here.

I sat on my bed trying to resist the urge to pick up my phone and call someone. I mean, who could i call? Darren was probably on the Association's side. Rebbecca is down the hall pacing like mad. Ethan probably can't get into this Association without being locked up first and Amy wouldn't come even if i gave her all my pocket money for the next 2 years.

Rebbecca had told me a lot about this place. The people here were called hunters. They hunted down vampires and werewolves and held them captive here. For what reason, she did not know.

I rocked back and forth, feeling the temptation to bite my nails. Now i know how Rebbecca felt. What bugs me is why Rebbecca's dad attacked me. Out of all the roasting-meat-filled houses all around our street, why did he pick ours?

I thought that maybe he had chosen our house because it was quiet and there were no pets around. Reminds me...where was Max when i needed him?! Lazy Dog! Amy had been feeding him too many meatballs i bet! Now he's gotten fat and lazy! 

Anyway, Rebbecca thought that since she hung out with me alot, i would have her scent on my body. That he recognized her scent and followed me all the way home and thought i had Rebbecca with me or something. well that made a lot more sense.

The question now is, how am i going to get him out?

I was staring out the window when i caught caught sight of something scurrying around on the balcony and hoping onto the roof of the next building. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" i screeched at the cockerel. the exact same one from my dorm. i knew it was that exact one, because it was giving me a distateful look. "Well i'm sorry if i look terrible, unlike me, you haven't been attacked by an overgrown dog!"

It screeched at me as if to sad, "Well tooooo baaad!" I growled, opened the window and threw my pillow at him, earning a nice screech, a flurry of feathers and the disappearance of a to-be-roasted cockerel. 

I looked past where he was standing 5 seconds ago, staring at the top of the Academy roof. "We should be a few streets away i think...maybe we could snag him and hide him at the academy..." i thought thinking up a variety of strange ways to get him out of here. 

Darren came in a few moments later, holding a clip board. I hadn't actually paid attention to his outfit until that moment. He was wearing a black and grey, turtle neck, long sleeved jacket with dark pants and boots. A black ear piece was tucked behind his ear, the microphone turned away from his mouth.

"Hey Ashleigh, they checked you over and you seem fine. You're now discharged and free to go back to the academy." he said with a grin.

" happened to that wolf... i fought?" i asked gingerly slipping out of bed.

His smile disappeared for a second, "Um..well he is currently in captivity, ready to be diagnosed for anything dangerous in his blood." he said nervously.

"Can i see him?" i asked looking straight into his eyes making him avert his eyes.

"Um...i don't know.." he fumbled with the clipboard nervously.

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