Chapter 3: Registration Mayhem

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woohoo! we one chapter 3! :) please comment, i'd like to hear your tips :) Oh and if you have noticed, i have posted a pic on each chapter, showing the main character for that chapter. Try and guess who this chapter's pic is of. :) 

Their blue bmw pulled up at the academy car park. It was packed and it took them a while before they found an empty slot to park in. Mr Cross swivelled in his seat to look at the girls sitting behind  and couldn't help laughing at their expressions. They looked like they had been on a haunted  roller coaster with huanted mode x10 and were about to puke! "Now wasn't that a smooth ride?" he said smiling. "it felt like we were flying." 

Amy glared at her dad. "smooth? Oh yeah! it was smooth, smooth as a cactus with extra thorns!" she mumbled. "By flying, do you mean falling? coz that's how i would put it!" she added. "Aw come on girls, you gotta admit that ride wasn't that bad.." he laughed. They both glared at him, if looks could kill, then he would have been on his way to heaven, or as the girls would want it,  hell.

"We nearly ran over a pedestrian with the biggest butt i have ever seen and we missed a tree by a millimetre! We nearly drove off the bridge on the M14 and into a lake!" Ashleigh exclaimed. "you took a wrong turn onto a dirt road and its been super smooth since then. " Amy added angrily. 

"Alright alright!" he said, "hows about i buy you two ice cream later today and we forget this whole thing?". "If you're the one who's gonna drive us to buy ice cream, then we won't even live till the end of the day!" Amy huffed irritated.

Ashleigh couldn't help feeling proud of her funny little foster sister and smiled at her. "What're you looking at?" she snapped at Ashleigh. "A twerp who better watch her mouth or she's gonna be thrown out the car window." she snapped back smiling. Amy smirked. "that would be better than sitting in here!". Ashleigh smirked back, "then let me rephrase that. A twerp who better watch her mouth or she's gonna be locked in the car and strapped to the front seat while dad's driving around. I'll be sure to supply you with enough barf bags to keep you from messing the car every 10 secs." Amy glared at her, pouting, defeat written across her face. 

Mrs Cross had been sitting quietly all through their SBS (sisters beatdown session) and was staring out the window. once they had finished, she swivelled in her seat to face them. "Girls, we're on a tight schedule. If you want to have your SBS, have it over a phone call tonight ok?" 

They both nodded and the family got out of the car. Ashleigh took her suitcases out of the trunk and they walked across the parking lot, towards the academy building. It was enormous x10! As soon as they entered, they saw a straight corridor leading some where into the distance, there were so many students rushing about with books and pages and she thought there coulld've been more then 1000. Some merely glanced at them and carried on, other smiled, waved or said 'hi'. They had to get her things by 7:30 so they headed for the main office which was to the right side of the corridor, just inside the entrance. 

She left her suitcases outside and they came into the office, teachers buzzed around, some chatting and some drinking coffee. Some writing so furiously in their books that she thought if they went any faster, the books would catch a lite and others typing on laptops, their eyes practically glued to the screen.

A shortish lady waddled up to them, she had blond hair tied up in a bun and blue eyes with glasses dangling at the end of her nose. "Ah! you must be the Cross family and you must be Ashleigh. " she said shaking her hand. "i am Mrs Midnight and i am the head secretary of this school. All you books and things are at the library and your things must be taken before 7:30, oh and you're are in Day Dorm 10 room 6." She gave her a school guild book with maps and info.

Ashleigh flipped through the book and landed on a page that said:


Sun Dorm: homo, mortalis

Moon Dorm: Lamia, immortalis

Star dorm: mirum lupus, immortalis

She looked at the writing confused. "oh Honey, that's in Latin, you'll be learning how to read it soon." Mrs Midnight said seeing her expression. "umm..does mortalis and immortalis mean mortal and immortal?" she asked. "Yes they do" she said smiling. hmmm why would they have that? "umm maam, why would they..." 

ATTENTION ATTENTION! Administration will be closed in 5 minutes! please all students register before 7:30! 

"come dear," Mrs Midnight said, "you best be off to the library to collect your books and exam pads." and hurried them out of the office and into the buzzing corridor. She picked up her suitcases and turned to her parents. "i'll see you at the Welcome assembly tonight guys. Bye " and was off.

The main building (from birds eye view ) was shaped like a square, long corridors divided it into 4 areas, intersecting in the middle. The areas , according to the school guide book, were for out door (P.E and for break.), research (library, computer rooms), cultural (music rooms, art rooms, drama rooms) and academic (the class rooms) activities. There were 3 other rectangular buildings joint to the main building on 3 sides. They were the dorms. There was a garden and a fountain in the area between the Moon and Sun dorms and there was a large school pool between the Moon and Star dorms. She got a headache just looking at that entire map. wow, whoever did this must have had a brain as strong as a pro wrestler! 

Hey guys, just to tell you this chapter's pic is of Amy :) enjoy! Finished this chapter in a day! i am on fire! lol =D

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