Chapter 4: The Mysterious Jade-eyed boy

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Chapter 4! woohoo! Sorry, took a while to write this chapter. guess who is in the picture this time :) /:)

Ashleigh had gone to her dorm to drop her suitcases off and was now in the library, collecting her books. It was beautiful place with white marble floors and a dome shaped ceiling with skylights. The desks were snow white and the shelves were enormous! She looked around and couldn't stop a gasp of bewilderment escaping her mouth.

if she thought that was astonishing, she had another thing coming her way. She nearly tripped over her own feet when she saw the long line of students queuing at the librarian's desk that the line could've been longer then the Great Wall of China! 

She was waiting in the line when she saw a blond boy, slightly taller than her, walking towards her. At the last minute, he patted the blond-haired girl in front of her. She turned and smiled. "Hey Ethan." "Hey Rebbecca, is it OK if i cut in?". The girl turned to look at Ashleigh. "Hey, is it OK if he cuts in? we need to get back to our dorms by 7:25". Ashleigh thought that was a bit strange but she nodded smiling. "sure."

The boy flashed her a smile and she suddenly noticed how green his eyes were, they were like a shining jade kinda colour. "Hey thanks! I'm Ethan Kuran and this is Rebbecca Moon, what's your name? " he said holding out his hand. "hey, I'm Ashleigh Knight, nice to meet you." she said shaking it cheerfully.

"Which dorms are you guys in?" she asked. Rebbecca smiled. "i'm in the Star Dorm and he is in the Moon Dorm." Ashleigh took this chance to ask them about the dorms since they seemed to know so much more about this school than her. "hey, what's the difference between the dorms anyway? like that mortalis and immortalis thing?" 

Rebbecca and Ethan exchanged weird looks. "don't you know? " she finally asked. Ashleigh shrugged, "not a clue." Ethan furrowed his brow. "um well do you want the long version or the short version?". Ashleigh thought for a while, "long please!". Ethan sighed and said, "ok, well let's see...where do i start? oh yeah! well in each dorm there are..." but before he could finished his sentence, they heard a loud, irritated "NEXT!"| from the librarian and they realised that while they were talking, the line had been moving steadily and now they were right by the desk.

Rebbecca had noticed that and she filled out a form, took her books and began walking away. "See you guys later!" she said over her shoulder. Ethan turned to fill in his form while Ashleigh was wondering what he was going to say. what is it that is different about these dorms?  When she looked up, Ethan and finished writing and picked up his books. "see ya around." he said giving her a wink and a smile before walking away. 

She blushed. Are all the boys in this school so...attractive?  

"Ehem!" the librarian was clearly irritated and would have run them all out of the library if she was allowed to. "Sorry!" she said quickly and filled in the form. it took a few minutes but she finished the form and took her books. Oh wow! when Aunt Cathy said there were a mountain of books, she wasn't kidding! Her Aunt was her only living Blood-related relative. She went to this academy and had introduced it to the Cross Family. 

She walked through the corridors towards the intersection of the main corridors. There were still many students rushing about even though most of them had gone to their dorms. As she went down one corridor, someone ran into her and she fell back, dropping her pile of books. She closed her eyes and expected to feel her back hit the cold marble floor, but instead warm hands caught her. 

She opened her eyes and were surprised that they met bright jade eyes. "Hey Ashleigh. This is no time to decide to sleep!" Ethan smirked. She laughed and slowly sat up. "What're you doing here? ". "what does it look like? Saving a sleepy head from getting a bruise!" he laughed. she laughed and punched him in the shoulder but strangely he didn't wince.

She looked around. "hey where are your books?" she asked. He was busy picking up some of hers. He looked up and said "oh they're in my dorm already." "Already? Ain't your dorm on the other side of the academy? ". He smiled, "yeah so what?". She picked up a book, "how d'ya get it there so fast?". He smirked, "i am as fast as the speed of light." His eyes sparkled when he said that. 

"hey come on, i think your class is going to be starting soon." he said peering down at his watch, "i had better be going, but first lets get these to your dorm." She picked up half and he picked up another half. She was struggling like mad, trying to stop herself from falling over and when she looked at him, he carried the books in one hand as if they weighed no less than a feather. wow! he sure is strong!  "you need help?" he laughed.

He didn't wait for her to answer and took her half of the books away, stacking them on top of his half. She could have just fainted seeing him carry those books, how the heck did he become so strong? She pushed the thought out of her mind and concentrated on not tripping on her own two feet.

"how can you not struggle carrying them? How did you become so strong?" she asked looking up at him. He was a few centimetres taller than her. He looked down at her with an amused look, "Strong? hmm i didn't really do anything to become strong. I was born that way." She frowned slightly but decided not to think about this anymore. 

They walked in silence the rest of the way. When they got to the door, she opened it and turned on the light. She shared her room with a girl named Natasha Blare who was the same age as her. He stepped inside the light blue room and put the books down on the table. "Blue, my favorite colour!" he said smiling. She smiled, "same here, i like blue and so does my sister Amy." He laughed "nice to know." He looked at his watch again. "I got to get to my dorm and you gotta go to class, i'll see you at the assembly tonight. Me and Rebbecca will be sitting at Table 20." he said with a grin, and with that, he left. 

Chapter 5 will be out soon.....i hope .:) please read, comment and like :) i'd like to here your tips and ideas! Oh and Ethan as much more darker, brighter eyes than the one in the picture, one of the following chapters will have a better pic :)

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