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Kimble stared out the window as they traveled through hyperspace. She was in the cockpit with the rest of the crew.

"Conner was sure acting odd in the transmission," Sabine said.

"Yeah," Ezra agreed. "First he said that something was wrong with Kaz, then he said that Kaz was doing great."

"I wonder why the transmission cut off so abruptly," Kimble said.

"And why it ended with Conner telling Kaz not to do something," Sabine added.

"Whatever the case, we'll be going to check up on them," Kanan said.

"Where do they live anyway?" Zeb asked.

"They live on a small moon that orbits Lothal," Hera explained.

"Why don't they just live on Lothal?" Kimble asked.

"Too much imperial attention," Hera said. The Ghost came out of hyperspace. Up ahead was Lothal. Hera guided the Ghost towards one of its smaller moons.

The area where they landed was a dusty plain. A few tall trees were here and there, with the only significant structure being a single house. The crew exited the Ghost and walked up to the house.

Kimble could tell instantly that something was wrong. It was too quiet, as if the whole moon was holding its breath. The door was jammed open, the interior dark. Sabine pulled out her blasters.

"Be ready for anything," Kanan commanded. Kimble fingered he blaster. Her metal staff was strapped to her back. Together, the rebels stepped into the building.

The light had been blown out, which explained the darkness. Now it was raining sparks on the table below it. There were a couple of overturned chairs. Farther in the room there was another jammed door.

"Someone was in here looking for a fight," Ezra said, examining a starburst of darkness on the wall. Blaster shots. Zeb and Sabine both continued deeper into the house, weapons held ready. Kimble rightened a chair.

"The question is, did this happen before or after the transmission?" Kanan wondered while examining some markings on the ground.

"After," Zeb said, reentering the room. Sabine wasn't with him. "Definitely after."

"What makes you say that?" Ezra asked.

"Come see for yourself," Zeb offered. The crew made to follow him, but he paused mid-step. "Maybe you should stay here, Kimble."

Kimble had a sinking feeling in her stomach and a sneaking suspicion about what Zeb had found, but she wouldn't be sure until she saw for herself.

"I'm coming," she said. Zeb nodded and continued leading the way into the next room. It appeared to be a kitchen which was in the same ruined state as the first room. Beyond that room was another destroyed door, only this one had been carved apart with something that could melt metal. Zeb shoved the door the rest of the way open.

The new room appeared to be a communications room. It had several panels and displays. This must have been the room that Conner had used to contact the Ghost. It was in the most damaged room out of them all. Half of the panels were smoking or sparking, while several of the displays were shattered. Sabine was in this room, crouched over a form lying on the floor. Kimble stared in stupefied horror.

The prone form was Kaz. He was most certainly dead. It looked like he had taken several blaster bolts to the chest. He looked almost peaceful, lying there on the ground. Kimble wasn't aware of Zeb patting her shoulder, or Ezra grabbing her hand.

"Come on," Ezra said. "The others can take care of this." Kimble numbly allowed Ezra to lead her away from the room and out into the bright sunlight. A few minutes later, Kanan and the rest of the crew came outside.

"Was Conner there?" Kimble asked fearfully. Kanan shook his head.

"We found this," he said, holding up a holodisk. He handed it to TK, who beeped and began broadcasting.

"Hello rebels," a voice said. It was vaguely familiar, but Kimble couldn't pinpoint what it reminded her of. She only knew that it made her feel afraid.

"As you can see, I'm no longer here," the voice continued. "And neither is that boy, Conner. I've taken him with me. The other one was too rebellious. He tried to kill me during our friendly little transmission that we sent you. I'm sure you can see why it was necessary to kill him. This boy is going to die unless Kimble comes to me, alone. No others may accompany her. I will be waiting on Mustafar. Look for the signal I will be transmitting. Don't take too long, or I will grow tired of this brat and kill him."

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