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When Evelyn opened her eyes, she was lying in an alley beside a collapsed building. No one was nearby. Her blaster and the silver canister were missing.

As she sat up, a dusty figure emerged from the wreckage of the building. Right behind it was a dirty droid which was beeping loudly and waving its arms. The dusty form was carrying something over its shoulder.

"Conner?" Evelyn asked, squinting her eyes. He came more into focus, as if saying his name had summoned him. He was carrying an unconscious Ezra over his shoulder. Chopper was the droid following close behind.

Conner set Ezra down before sinking to the ground himself. He sighed and rubbed his face.

"We split up for two hours, you guys manage to collapse a whole building and trap yourselves inside," he said.

"Not my fault," Evelyn replied. "It was your crazy sister."

"Kimble?" Conner asked hopefully. "I didn't see anyone else in there. Was she with you?"

"You didn't see her?" Evelyn asked. Conner shook his head.

"She wasn't in the building. This side of the building leads to an alley. The other one drops down to the lower levels," he said.

"Kimble tried to kill me," Evelyn said, standing up. She swayed slightly as her vision momentarily turned black. "She's working with the Inquisitor."

"She's not working for the Inquisitor," Conner said. "There's no way she is."

"She is, and you better catch on fast before she tries to kill the rest of you," Evelyn said. "Hopefully she died when I threw her out the window."

"You threw Kimble out the window?" Conner demanded.

"She was about to kill me," Evelyn pointed out. "It was only fair."

"You probably only thought it was Kimble," Conner said.

"Oh, it was Kimble," Evelyn said. "My blood is on her pole. Literally. Probably some of my hair too."

"You're crazy," Conner said, shaking his head.

"Help me find my blaster. And a silver canister. It had something that will wake up Ezra," Evelyn said. Conner followed her back into the ruins of the building.

It didn't take long for them to find Evelyn's blaster and silver canister. When they returned to Ezra and Chopper, Evelyn was feeling much more steady on her feet. She opened the canister and dumped the two pills into her hand. One was blue. The other was green. She put the blue one back into the canister and stuffed the green one in Ezra's mouth.

"He should wake up soon," Evelyn told Conner.

"What did you just give him?" Conner asked. "Poison?"

"It's called a dose of common sense," Evelyn said while rolling her eyes. Ezra groaned and twitched in his sleep.

"Lasats are karabast," he mumbled.

"What is he talking about?" Conner asked.

"Ezra's mind is a mystery best left unsolved," Evelyn replied. Ezra opened his eyes and sat up.

"What's going on?" he asked. "Where are we?"

"What happened is your psychopathic girlfriend tried to kill us," Evelyn explained.

"Kimble?" Ezra asked. "How's that possible?"

"Don't mind Evelyn," Conner told him. "She seems bent on thinking that Kimble attacked her and is trying to kill her. Oh, and is working for the Inquisitor."

"That's impossible," Ezra said.

"My dad used to say 'Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view,'" Evelyn said.

"Like I'm going to take the advice of some delusional bounty hunter," Ezra said.

"My father was not a delusional bounty hunter!" Evelyn said, temper flaring. "He was a great Jedi master!"

"Your dad was a Jedi?" Ezra asked in surprise. "Then why don't you use the force?"

"I don't have the force! Not everyone has to be as gifted as you!" Evelyn said. She turned and began walking away.

"Where are you going?" Conner called after her.

"I'm going to do what I came here for!" Evelyn shouted back. "Kill Darth Maul! And Ezra, I wouldn't suggest using your mental connection with Kimble. She'll probably just use it to get to you."

"How did she know about my mental link with Kimble?" Ezra asked Conner. He shrugged.

"You must have mentioned it at some point," Conner said. But Ezra wasn't so sure. Either way, they had lost their only reliable form of transportation. Which meant they would have to rescue the rest of the rebels the old fashioned way: make up a plan as they went.

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