Return Strike

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Evelyn crawled through the cramped metal vent on her hands and knees. From what she had seen of the old Jedi Temple, it wasn't very impressive. The beautiful sculptures and art had all been taken down or destroyed, only to be replaced with the Empire's insignia. The building was empty for the most part. Occasionally a dozen or so people would march in brisk formation from one area of the temple to the other. All were wearing the Inquisitorial uniform.

After leaving Ezra, Conner, and Chopper to their fates, Evelyn had snuck into the Jedi Temple herself. She was sure that Darth Maul would be there, overseeing the executions of the rebels. If he had killed Evelyn's mother himself, surely he would want to be the one to kill the rebels.

Evelyn forced herself not to think about the rebels. She had made her decision long ago. She wouldn't get involved. She didn't have time to get attached to anyone. Getting attached to someone meant pain when you lost them. It meant having to track them to the ends of the galaxy when they were captured. And Evelyn didn't have time for that. She was only after revenge for her mother. She couldn't rescue the rebels from their execution, even if she wanted to.

Which brought her to Kimble. Something seemed off about her, although Evelyn couldn't place it. It was as if she wasn't entirely there. Evelyn wondered if she had gone mad. It sure seemed that way. Evelyn knew that occasionally people could get so possessive or protective of something that eventually it corrupted their sense of reason. That, combined with mental or emotional trauma or the dark side of the force or even a combination of the three, could probably be enough to make Kimble the way she was. Evelyn hoped that Ezra listened to her warning.

Evelyn gently pulled open the vent cover and dropped into the room. She glanced around quickly. The room appeared to be empty. It looked like a council room. Large windows offered a view of the surrounding area, while a ring of chairs encircled the room. The chairs were of various sizes. One even seemed only large enough for a small child.

Council room, Evelyn thought. She glanced out of the windows at the setting sun. If she failed to defeat Darth Maul in battle, this might be the last time she ever saw a sunset.

"All trainees report to your dormitories," a voice said over the newly-installed sound system. "Emperor Palpatine will be arriving tomorrow to oversee the execution of four insurgents. Be sure to be on your best behavior. Dormitories will be checked in three rotations. Any student who fails to pass their Inquisitorial Exam will be removed from the Academy."

Evelyn assumed it was some sort of announcement system. Perhaps this was where they trained the Inquisitors. But Evelyn had a bigger problem on her hands. The rebels were going to be executed tomorrow. In less than twenty-four hours, they wouldn't exist any more. They would reach the same fate as Evelyn's parents.

Evelyn closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Darth Maul would still be there in two days. The rebels wouldn't. She couldn't let them just die. It wasn't fair.

"Found you," a female voice said from  behind Evelyn. She turned around quickly. Kimble was standing in front of the door, blocking Evelyn's only escape. She didn't look worse for wear. Her only visible injuries were several scratches on her face.

"I'll be honest, I was hoping you were dead," Evelyn told her.

"It's not so easy to kill me," Kimble said. "I have the force."

"I can see how it'd be nice to have that when you fall out a window," Evelyn agreed. She silently tried to think of a way out of the situation. She hoped she could take Kimble on in a one-on-one fight.

"This time I won't be the one dying," Kimble said. "It'll be you."

"That's nice and all, but I've got to go. I'm going to try and rescue the rebels. Are you with me?" Evelyn asked.

"How about no?" Kimble decided, reaching under her cloak. Evelyn assumed she was reaching for her blaster, but was sadly mistaken. Kimble activated a dark lightsaber. It's ruby glow cast a sinister light on the situation.

"Did I mention the Inquisitor gave me an actual lightsaber?" Kimble asked.

"You're a Sith," Evelyn said. "You've gone over to the dark side."

"No, I'm just trying to protect the people I care about," Kimble replied. She charged forward, swinging the lightsaber. Evelyn didn't bother reaching for her blaster. It would be no use against a lightsaber. Instead she dodged around Kimble and made a break for the door. She slammed her hand down on the button and the doors opened. Before she could take a single step, an iron force closed on her throat and lifted her into the air.

"You forgot, I have the force," Kimble said. Evelyn felt herself yanked backwards through the air. She felt an intense burning pain in her stomach.

"You're going to die just like your mother did," Kimble said. "Only this time, there's no one's arms for you to die in. You'll be up here, all alone." The force vanished and Evelyn dropped to the floor. Kimble stepped around her and out the door, pocketing the lightsaber as she did so.

I don't think so, Evelyn thought angrily. She refused to die before having her revenge on Darth Maul. And she especially refused to die the same death as her mother. She had one thing that her mother didn't.

Evelyn gritted her teeth and reached into her pocket, pulling out the silver canister. She put the single pill in her mouth and forced herself to swallow despite the pain. After a moment, the pain faded. All that was left was a cold numbness. If she remembered correctly, the pill would last two hours. After that point, if she hadn't received medical help she would die. Evelyn's eyes slowly closed.

I know I abandoned you, she thought dully, but I also saved your life. Now it's time for you to save mine. Come find me, Ezra Bridger.

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