The Cost of Freedom

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"Phantom, this is Ghost," Hera said over the transmission. "Glad you're back with us so soon. How did it go Kimble?"

"Uh, hey Ghost," Ezra said. Hera and Kanan shared a look. Kanan took over the transmission.

"Ezra, what are you doing on the Phantom?" he asked. "And where is Kimble?"

"She's here, don't worry," Ezra said.

"Can I talk to her?"

"Um . . . no, not exactly. Not right now at least."

"What happened to her? Was she hurt?" Hera demanded.

"No, it's complicated. I'll tell you guys all about it when we get back."

"Ezra . . !" Kanan said in a warning voice.

"Sorry, transmission cutting out. Be, soon, talk, Ghost, Phantom, out."

Kanan checked the transmission strength. It was almost at full strength. The transmission beeped as Ezra ended it.

"He's hiding something," Kanan said.

"There's no doubt about that," Hera agreed. "The question is, what is he hiding?"

The Phantom successfully docked, where Kanan and Hera waited for Ezra and Kimble to emerge. When the door opened, Ezra emerged. He was carrying Kimble in his arms. Kanan wouldn't be half a Jedi or Ezra's master if he couldn't recognize what happened to Kimble.

"Ezra, what have you done?" Kanan asked.

"The Inquisitor and a Dathomirian cyborg named Luam Htrad were waiting for Kimble," Ezra explained, ignoring Kanan's question. "They were planning on killing her."

"Is she hurt?" Hera asked. Ezra shook his head.

"Her consciousness was shut down," he explained. "She's not going to die."

"But when she wakes up she'll wish she was," Kanan interrupted. "You followed her, didn't you? Against her wishes?"

"It was the only way, Kanan. They were going to kill her!" Ezra protested.

"Ezra, you don't understand what you've done!" Kanan shouted. Ezra took a step back. He had never seen Kanan this angry.

"Because of what you've done, the Inquisitor will kill Conner," Kanan continued. "You've just cost Kimble the last member of her family!"

"Aren't we supposed to protect people and save lives?" Ezra shot back. "I'm supposed to protect my friends, right?"

"Don't you remember our conversation before Kimble left? You were to release these feelings you had for her. You had to let her travel her own path."

"I can't help what I feel! How am I supposed to just let it go?"

"Countless Jedi before you have done it! It is the Jedi way! Jedi must not form attachments!"

"Well maybe I'm not a Jedi then!"

Ezra set Kimble on the ground and stormed away, in the direction of the cannon he manned. Kanan knelt beside Kimble and Hera joined him.

"What was that all about?" Hera asked.

"Ezra has feelings for Kimble," Kanan explained. "I've suspected it for a while now, but his actions today confirm it."

"What's so bad about that?"

"In the olden days, Jedi were to not form attachments. I always wondered why. Until now I never understood how dangerous a Jedi's attachments can be. Both to himself and to others."

"Will Kimble be ok?"

"Physically, yes. Emotionally . . . we'll just have to hope."

Kanan closed his eyes and extended a hand over Kimble's head. He stretched out with the force, gently prodding Kimble's consciousness and bringing it back to the surface. She shuddered and took a deep breath before opening her eyes.

"Kanan! The Inquisitor! He's alive!" she burst out, sitting up. "He had a robotic eye, and a new servant."

"We know," Kanan said softly. "Ezra told us." Kimble abruptly burst into tears. Hera hugged her as Kanan stood up.

"It's ok," Hera said softly. "We've all lost family to the Empire."

"Conner was the l-last person I h-had!" Kimble sobbed.

"He's one with the force now," Kanan said. "He will always be with you, as long as you dwell within the light."

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