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The Windcast was a Gozanti-class Imperial Freighter. Most of the metallic plating was still visible, but it also had the occasional stripe of brown paint. The side was painted with the black outline of another DeathHammer Blaster Pistol.

"How did you get your hands on an Imperial Freighter?" Ezra asked in surprise. Evelyn tossed her hair over her shoulder and grinned.

"I took it from an imperial base on Coruscant," she said proudly. "Right under the nose of Palpatine and Darth Vader themselves."

"Impressive," Conner said.

"Wait until I fly her," Evelyn said with a wink. Ezra rolled his eyes. Evelyn took them onboard and close the door. She lead the way down a long hall. The Windcast felt strangely deserted.

"Aren't freighters usually piloted by at least five people?" Ezra asked.

"Usually," Evelyn replied, not elaborating. She entered a room to their right, gesturing for the others to follow. It was a small room with two alcoves.

"You're going to put us in a prison cell?" Ezra asked.

"You are my prisoners," Evelyn pointed out. "And you promised to do everything I say. Besides, a girl can't reveal her flying secrets."

"Weren't you going to show us your amazing flying skills?" Ezra told her.

"You get to feel them from inside your cells. Go inside before I take away your ability to walk," Evelyn threatened.

"I like walking," Conner decided. He entered one of the alcoves and Evelyn activated the rayshield door.

"You next, fluffy," Evelyn said, pointing at the other cell. Ezra folded his arms.

"Fluffy?" he asked in annoyance. Evelyn pointed her blaster at him and he entered the cell. She activated the rayshield.

"Have fun," she told them as she began walking away.

"You aren't going to lock Chopper up?" Ezra complained.

"He's going to be my special helper," Evelyn said cheerfully. Chopper beeped in agreement and showed off his arms.

"Come on buddy!" Evelyn said, gesturing for Chopper to follow her out the door. "Duty calls."

Chopper followed her happily. Ezra grumbled to himself and leaned against the wall. He felt the ship rumble slightly as it lifted off into the air.

"I don't like her," Ezra muttered.

"Is it because she called you fluffy?" Conner teased. Ezra grunted.

"It's a stupid nickname," he said.

"And I suppose Kimble calls you something better?" Conner asked.

"She calls me Ezra," Ezra replied. They sat in momentary silence.

"I'm sure they're ok," Conner said reassuringly. Ezra didn't reply.


"Rise and shine boys!" Evelyn called loudly. Ezra jolted awake. Evelyn had deactivated the rayshields and was standing nearby with her arms folded. Chopper was at her side.

"Are we finally on an inhabited planet?" Ezra asked groggily.

"Aren't you excited to get off my ship," Evelyn said. "No, you're not free to go just yet. I'm meeting an informer of mine. I figured you would appreciate the chance to walk around. Don't try anything, or I'll put a hole in your head before you could blink. And don't be rude."

Evelyn led the trio off of the ship and onto a rocky planet surface. The ground was made completely of brown stone. There was no evidence of running water or life of any kind. A stormtrooper was waiting a short distance away, watching the group approach.

"What's the latest on Maul?" Evelyn asked the stormtrooper.

"He went with the Inquisitor to Coruscant," the stormtrooper said in a gravely voice. "They had four prisoners in tow. The Inquisitor plans to use one of the prisoners. After the systematic execution of the remaining three prisoners, Maul is going to vanish to where he lived before his return."

"Where I can't get to him," Evelyn muttered.

"You can't get yourself into the old Jedi Temple to murder him," the stormtrooper pointed out.

"Doesn't mean I won't try," Evelyn said. "Besides, I've got to dump these two on an inhabited planet. Might as well be Coruscant."

"How are you planning on getting to the old Jedi Temple?" Conner asked. "You can't even land on the upper city levels without a permit."

"I don't have to land," Evelyn said with a sly grin. "There are other ways to end up on a planet's surface. And you three are going to help me do it."

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