Life and Death are Intertwined

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Ezra's eyes flew open and he yelled in pain. Rubbing his stinging arm, he looked down at Chopper.

"Do you have to do that to wake me up?" he demanded as Chopper pulled away his taser arm. Chopper whirred and beeped urgently.

"What? Slow down, I can't hear what you're saying!" Ezra said, sitting on the edge of his bed. Chopper began again, more slowly this time.

"Kimble's gone?" Ezra asked. "The crew left to look for her? And you're receiving an imperial transmission?"

Chopper beeped in agreement, rolling back and forth.

"That's probably the Inquisior, ready with more demands," Ezra decided. "Since the others aren't here, we better see what he wants."

Chopper led the way into the cockpit with Ezra close behind. He activated the communicator system and stood back, waiting for the transmission to begin. A shaky hologram appeared. The image was slightly blurred and kept cutting in and out, but it was still possible to identify the speaker.

"Conner?" Ezra asked in complete surprise. There was no mistaking the short black hair and green eyes. Conner's eyes darted from side to side before he risked a weak grin and spoke.

"Yeah, that's me," he said.

"I thought you were dead! Didn't the Inquisitor kill you?" Ezra asked.

"He was probably planning on it, but I didn't give him the chance. I took a page out of your book and used the vents to escape," Conner explained. He glanced around again. "I grabbed a power cell and communicator from their ship before I left. It doesn't make for the best transmitter, but it's doable. Listen, I need you guys to come pick me up. The Inquisitor is probably looking for me right now."

"The rest of the crew isn't here," Ezra admitted. "They left to chase after Kimble."

"Well, where did Kimble go?"

"To chase after the Inquisitor."

Conner gazed off into the distance for a moment, deep in thought. He snapped back to attention.

"Can't you sense where Kimble is with you're mental link?" he asked. Ezra shook his head.

"I've been trying ever since you contacted me. There's nothing there. It's just cold. It's like there's a wall there," he explained.

"I'm sure that the others can keep her from doing anything stupid," Conner decided. He sounded as if he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. "In the meantime, I could use some help."

"I'm on my way," Ezra promised. The transmission ended and Ezra turned to Chopper.

"Looks like it's time for a rescue mission," he said.

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