Words Mean Nothing

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Evelyn glanced at Ezra for what felt like the millionth time. After sending a message to Darth Maul that she had Ezra (a.k.a. a rebel), she had been told to come to an abandoned building. She had been waiting there ever since, hoping Darth Maul would show up.

Evelyn slipped a hand into her pocket to make sure that a small silver canister was still there. She didn't care about sides in the war between the Empire and rebels, but she did care about costing innocent lives. And in her eyes, Ezra and Conner and Chopper were innocent. The silver canister contained two pills. One had a special liquid Evelyn had purchased from an old friend. It could wake up anyone who had been stunned almost instantly. The second pill was a powerful healer. It only had one use, and would bring the person back from the brink of death. It wouldn't totally heal them, only keep them alive and dull any pain.

Evelyn's plan was to kill Darth Maul when he showed up, all the while keeping Ezra out of harm's way. If things became dicey, Evelyn was going to use one of the pills to wake Ezra up so that he could join the fight or run for his life, whatever the case may be. If Evelyn succeeded in killing Darth Maul without needing any help, she was going to wake up Ezra afterwards and not tell him about her stunning him or any of that. She was going to tell him that Maul stunned him instead, but she killed him afterwards.

The door opened and Evelyn turned to watch as someone entered the room. They closed the door behind them and lowered their hood.

It wasn't Darth Maul. It was the Inquisitor.

"What are you doing here?" Evelyn demanded. "Darth Maul is supposed to be the one who showed up, not you."

"Darth Maul is not the one who wants to capture rebels," the Inquisitor said. He glanced at Ezra, pure hate in his eyes. Evelyn wanted to step in front of Ezra and hide him from the Inquisitor, but it was too late. "Thank you for capturing young Bridger. The Empire is in your debt. Now all we're missing is Conner."

"Joke's on you, I'm not turning Ezra in," Evelyn told him. She reached into her pocket for her silver canister and the pill that would wake Ezra up.

"By all means, use your pill to wake him up," the Inquisitor said. "I would love to show him an old friend of his."

The door opened again, and this time a girl entered. She was wearing a black cloak and had long dark hair and violet eyes.

"Who are you?" Evelyn asked.

"Evelyn, this is Kimble, a member of the rebel crew," the Inquisitor explained. He laughed at the stunned look on Evelyn's face. "Yes, I know your name. Darth Maul has told me a lot about you."

"Is she the one who attacked Ezra and killed Conner?" Kimble asked.

"Of course she is," the Inquisitor said. "Kimble, this is Evelyn 'Quickdraw.' Although I prefer her true name."

Evelyn took a step back. He couldn't know her true identity. She had buried that, along with the rest of her past and family, long ago. Only two people in the entire galaxy knew who she really was and would have been able to make the connection, and one of them were dead.

"Her real name is Evelyn Winter Kryze," the Inquisitor told Kimble. Evelyn flinched back at the mention of her real name. The Inquisitor smiled even wider. "Her mother was Duchess Satine Kryze, her father was the Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi. She is the next ruler in line to rule Mandalor. Tell me Evelyn, would you prefer to be called Young Duchess or Murderer?"

"I didn't murder my mother or father," Evelyn said, finally jolting out of her shock. "That was Darth Maul and Order 66. And I didn't kill Conner or Ezra. I saved their lives!"

"I'll kill her," Kimble told the Inquisitor. "But then I'm killing you."

"You won't want to," the Inquisitor said. "After you kill her, you'll finally understand."

I drew my blaster, and the girl pulled out a metal pipe and blaster. I was outnumbered two to one, unless I could wake up Ezra. I only hoped he would catch on quick enough to help me.

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