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Ezra inched out of the Phantom. If Kanan thought that he was going to just stand by and let Kimble turn herself in without backup, he had another thing coming.

Ezra could see Kimble farther down the slope. She appeared to be talking to two hooded figures. Ezra couldn't see any details from his current position, but he was sure that those were Conner's kidnappers. But where was Conner?

Ezra slid farther down the slope, careful to keep himself hidden. As he drew nearer, he was able to catch bits of their conversation.

"Surprised?" the familiar voice asked. "Horrified, perhaps?" Ezra paused and peeked out over the top of the boulder he was behind. One of the cloaked figures was pulling back his hood as Kimble stood transfixed. Ezra gasped and quickly ducked lower, but no one had heard him. He peeked over the boulder again.

It was the Inquisitor. Only, he looked different now. More nightmarish. His yellow eyes glowed slightly. His gray skin was paler than it used to be. One of his eyes was robotic, with a long scar stretching over it. His fangs were as pointed as ever. He grinned sinisterly.

"You did this to me," he growled to Kimble. "When I failed to keep Ezra out of the hands of the rebels, I was punished. I vowed to hunt you down and inflict upon you what you did to me."

Ezra slowly reached for his lightsaber. This could get ugly fast. And when it did, he would be ready to jump in and help Kimble. Ezra considered sending Kimble a message through their mental link, but he didn't want to give away the element of surprise he had over the Inquisitor and his buddy.

"In my wanderings, I came across my friend here. He was also punished for his failure." the Inquisitor continued. The figure beside the Inquisitor threw off his hood. He was a Dathomirian with red and black skin and small horns. He glanced at Kimble with disdain. Ezra stopped reaching for his lightsaber. He could sense the dark side of the force radiating from the newcomer. This was no novice to fighting, or the force.

The newcomer stepped forward and Ezra spotted metal clawed legs under the cloak. He wondered vaguely why the newcomer had been punished.

"He was brainwashed by my master," the Inquisitor explained. "He's now just an ordinary assassin. He used to go by another name, but his current one is Luam Htrad. He used to be a Sith apprentice."

"Just kill the girl and be over with it," Luam growled.

"What about my brother Conner?" Kimble asked, regaining her composure. "You said you would set him free."

"I suppose I did," the Inquisitor sighed. "I will send him to your ship. He can fly himself off world."

"Kill her now!" Luam growled again.

"No!" the Inquisitor snapped. "I want her to suffer for what she did to me!"

"There is another here!" Luam said. "He is hiding behind the boulders!"

Both Sith snapped around to stare directly at Ezra's hiding place. Well, no good hiding now.

Ezra? Kimble asked across the mental link.

Don't worry, I'm here for backup, Ezra assured her.

Ezra you dolt! I didn't need help! You're going to get us both killed!

Ezra climbed to his feet, lightsaber in his hands. It was on blaster setting at the moment so that he would be able to hit the Sith from a distance.

"Ezra," the Inquisitor said. "What a surprise." It was obvious from his tone of voice that it wasn't a surprise. Both Sith ignited their lightsabers. The Inquisitor had his spinning lightsaber while Luam had a double edged lightsaber.

"Come on Kimble," Ezra said while walking to her side. "We're leaving."

"Leave now and Conner dies," the Inquisitor threatened.

"Ezra, I can't let Conner die," Kimble said softly. Ezra clenched his fists. He was torn. On the one hand he wanted to protect Kimble, but on the other he didn't want her to lose her last family that was left.

"I'm sorry Kimble, but I can't let you die," Ezra told her. He reached out through the mental link. He had only done this once before, but he knew the basic idea. He was sure that this time it was just as important as it was the last time he did this.

As soon as Ezra was in Kimble's mind, he felt her defenses fly up. It almost hurt to have them aimed at him, but he had no other choice. He smashed aside the invisible force and forced Kimble's consciousness to shut down. Without her defenses and with her emotions in the state they were, she was helpless to Ezra's actions. She collapsed to the ground. Ezra took a step back. He realized that he felt cold all over.

The two Sith swung their lightsabers as Ezra grabbed Kimble's body and made a break for it. He lashed out with the force, sending the Sith stumbling farther down the slope. Ezra managed to reach the Phantom and shut the door. He set Kimble down and initiated the takeoff sequence. Within moments they were in the cold darkness of space.

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