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Evelyn struck first, her combat training kicking in. She could hear her own words echo back at her as she fired.

If you strike first fast enough, you won't ever have to strike again.

Kimble sidestepped the bolt and returned a shot of her own, but Evelyn was already gone. She had pulled out the silver canister and was standing by Ezra's side. Kimble charged forward and swung her metal pole, forcing Evelyn to duck and roll to the side. The silver canister flew across the room as the metal pole connected with its smooth surface. Evelyn fired her blaster, but Kimble dodged out of the way and swung her metal pole. Evelyn backed just out of reach.

Could this be the same Kimble that Conner and Ezra were always talking about? If so, Evelyn thought Kimble was definitely doing something stupid.

"I didn't kill Ezra or Conner!" Evelyn said. She ducked as Kimble fired her blaster. "I just want to kill Darth Maul!"

"I'm not an idiot!" Kimble declared, advancing and swinging her metal pole.  Evelyn backed out of the way. "I know what you're trying to do!"

Actually, you are an idiot, Evelyn thought. Her eyes landed on the silver canister and she dove forward, arms outstretched. Kimble saw what she was doing, dropped her weapons, and tacked Evelyn, sending them both crashing to the floor. Evelyn could hear the Inquisitor laughing nearby. Evelyn couldn't believe he was actually laughing at the battle.

"Keep your hands off Ezra!" Kimble growled, hands closing on Evelyn's throat.

"I . . . don't . . . want him!" Evelyn growled back, wrenching Kimble's hands apart. Even though Kimble was slightly bigger than Evelyn was, Evelyn had trained herself in the art of combat. It had all been part of her plan to hunt down Darth Maul and get her revenge for the murder of her mother. As she fought with Kimble, she tried to pretend that it was just another one of her drilling exercises.

Kimble reached for her metal pole while holding Evelyn pinned, but Evelyn kicked it away with her foot. Kimble growled in frustration. Evelyn wished for the hundredth time that she could use the force. Even though her father was a Jedi, Evelyn had never been able to make anything happen with her mind.

"I won't let you get away with killing Conner and Ezra!" Kimble said, scratching at Evelyn's eyes with her nails. Evelyn turned her head just enough that Kimble scratched her cheek instead. She could feel the cuts beginning to sting.

"I won't let you get away with killing me!" Evelyn responded, kicking Kimble off of her. Kimble rolled a short distance away and Evelyn climbed to her feet. The silver canister was so close! It was directly under the boarded up window. She ran forward and scooped it off of the floor.

Evelyn heard a sharp crack and felt an explosion of pain in the top of her head. Her eyes watered and she staggered sideways. Her vision tilted, and everything she saw was doubled. She had dropped her blaster and the silver canister. Kimble was behind her, raising the metal pole for another strike. Her full strength hadn't been behind the last one, which explained how Evelyn was still alive.

Do what your opponents don't expect! Evelyn's voice shouted in her head as she saw Kimble start to swing. Do it now!

Evelyn stepped forward, grabbed the front of Kimble's cloak, and used her full weight to swing Kimble around and into the boarded up window. Kimble couldn't stop herself and was carried by her own momentum through the rotting wood and into the air beyond. Evelyn turned around, reaching into her holster. It was empty. Her blaster was still on the ground.

The Inquisitor activated his lightsaber and stepped forward aggressively. He paused, expression changing from anger to fear. Evelyn heard it too. The missed blaster shots had caused the structure of the building to crack. Evelyn covered her head and crouched as debris and rocks rained down from the ceiling. Everything went dark.

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