Chapter 1

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** Written in Scarlett's point of view unless stated so other wise. **

I knew that something had to be done. The feeling of being betrayed by the person you loved, and the fact that the person didn't think anything was wrong on your part.

He must not have knew me enough. It took him a month to realize that what we had was heart break.

I watched him bound up my front steps to sit next to me. His hair was wet along with his clothes from the rain. Water droplets rolling off the leather of his jacket.

The rest of the street was quiet except the few cars here and there that would drive by. Splashing water up onto the broken sidewalks.

I felt as rain drops rolled down my face. My black skinny jeans were tight to my skin, soaked from how long I've sat here.

"Scar? Why are you sitting here alone in the rain?" Brendon, my boyfriend of a little more than a year asked me. We've know each other for years, and have been such close friends, yet everything we have ever had has slipped away. Him and his band have been taking a break but he never stopped singing.

The past months he has pushed me away without even realizing it. He was either gambling, drinking, or sleeping. I would call him worried sick, I would wonder where he's been. Yet he wouldn't call. He was never like this when the band was together.

When I gave up on him he tried to come back, and I didn't have the strength to push him away. Because the truth is, all those nights that he didn't call me back were the nights I spent crying. Stuck in the insomnia. I didn't have the strength to let him go, because he thought he was still here. But I was already long gone.

"Because I'm locked out." I told him, not even bothering to look up. The pain in my heart was to much to make up for the pain in my eyes that's noticeable.

"Babe, your soaked. Why didn't you come to my house. You know you don't have to ask me?" He asked another question.


A roar of thunder shook the trees, sending the birds into a craze.

He placed his hand on my thigh.

"How long have you been sitting here Scarlett? Your going to get sick, come on no arguments your coming with me." He stood up on the steps and I had no strength to say no. This was the first time in a week he has really spoken to me.

"2 hours." I mumbled.

"Yeah, your coming with me."

He took his coat off and wrapped it around me, picking me up off the steps of my house. Carrying me away bridal style.

I was freezing, broken, and the burning of the tears in my eyes didn't help the pain I was feeling.

He only lived two streets away from me so it wasn't like I had to travel far to get to his house. I didn't think he would've wanted me there, I'm surprised that he's sober.

He held my head close to his chest as he carried me down the street. The scent of his cologne was weak, washed off by the rain water. Yet it still brought the memories of the good days of our relationship.

I couldn't hold my self together, because I knew this would be the last night with him.

I sobbed into him as he carried me into his house. My skin felt numb since I was so use to the cold rain hitting me.

He kicked he shoes off and rushed me into the bathroom where he sat me down on the toilet seat while he ran to get clothes.

A moment later he rushed back with a pair of his sweat pants and a sweat shirt in his arms.

I shivered, rubbing my hands together to try and get warm.

"Here I'll help you change." He said sweetly, as I raised my arms. He pulled my drenched shirt over my head, throwing it into the laundry basket in the corner.

Then he helped me put on the large sweatshirt he gave me. He struggled to get my soaked skinny jeans off of me, that took about 5 minutes.

After I was fully dressed and comfortable again he carried me into his bedroom before  laying me onto his bed that had already been unmade.

He changed himself out of his own wet clothes and put on another pair of sweat pants he had owned.

For once he seemed like the Brendon I once loved. As he crawled into the bed next to me, he held me close.

I drifted unconscious, as the rainy Sunday after noon slipped away from me. 


A week from then was the last time I had spent with Brendon, before I decided to give in and tell him what was wrong.

I sifted through all the photos of me and Brendon. My mom had been at work, and once again it had been raining. I laid in my dark bedroom, the photos all around me on the floor. 

A year rolled off my cheek onto one of the pictures, seeping into the thin paper.

A bottle of pills beside me to ease the pain. I was a train wreck, and I was being torn a part at the seams because of a man that doesn't even love me.

I didn't want to die, I just didn't want to feel the pain of heart break.

My phone vibrated on the floor next to me, I glanced over to see my moms contact flash across the screen. I picked my phone up, answering it.

"Hi honey. Sorry I'm going to be late tonight, there's left overs in the fridge."

"Thanks mom." I said before she hung up on the other end.

I wish that Brendon saw the pain I was in. I wish he could open his eyes to see what damage he has caused.


Ok so this is a really crappy chapter and I'm not promising frequent updates but I'm promising a good book. 

Thank you for reading and I can't wait for this book to be on a roll because I planned it out and it's going to be great.

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