Chapter 2

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I began to know when Brendon was sober because when he was sober he would put in the effort to talk to me, yet I had it with all of it.

When he called me I answered the phone. I was going to end my pain for the better.

"You finally answered! I called 5 times, where are you?" He asked me through the phone, his voice cracking because of the poor connection.

I sighed. Looking a the picture of me and Brendon that I had split in between us that laid on the floor.

"That's kind of what I needed to know. Brendon, we need to talk." I informed him sternly.

My statement was followed by a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

"Ok, your house or mine? Is everything ok babe?" He asked me.

"Meet me at the end of the street, we can talk there. Like now please." I told him before he agreed. I hung up the phone and looked in the mirror before I left. The sun was out today and I just hoped that I didn't start crying while I told Brendon this. I took a deep breathe before opening my front door, and leaving my house.

I walked down the street to see that Brendon was already there waiting. He looked up and smiled when he saw me, yet my expression didn't change.

When I got to him he greeted me with a hug and I told him to sit down. He sat down on the curb and I sat next to him.

"How have you been?" He asked me, looking at the car passing by.

"Not so well." I looked over at him who was now looking down at the ground. "You know I love you right?" He glanced up at me, nodding slightly. "I can't do this anymore Brendon, and you know what is wrong."

"You can't do what anymore Scar?"

I laughed trying to hide the tears that I felt coming on as I told him everything. "Do you know how many nights? How many nights I spent alone, crying myself to sleep because you weren't there." Another car drove by. "How many nights I could've called you, but I was scared because like always you were out drinking. I was scared of what you'd say or do because the alcohol took over you?"


"Brendon, I can't do this anymore. I don't know what happened to you, or where you went. Yeah sure, your here now, but your never there when I really need you."

"I feel like I'm losing you Scarlett." He said quietly.

"You've already lost me. I'm sorry Brendon, but I just can't be with someone who isn't going to be there." I stood up, wiping a tear off my cheek. "Bye Brendon." He sat there on the curb as I walked away. Leaving everything we had behind.

I knew I had made the right choice, there was no point of being with him if there is someone out there so much better for me. I needed someone who was there all the time, not just someone who was only there if they were sober.

As I walked away, almost back to my house Brendon was still sitting there. Yet now his head was in his hands. I had an urge to run back to him and tell him I was sorry and just hug him. Yet I knew if I sat here and did nothing, he would never turn back into that Brendon Urie I fell in love with.


I knew I had to get out of the house before I became depressed. I had to delete Brendon from my contacts because every time I saw him name it would bring it back. I would be ok, it would just take sometime.

A week went by without Brendon. He didn't even chase after me, which I am glad about because I didn't want him to.

I sat in my front room waiting for my mom to get home because she was picking up papers for me. I've been looking for a new job to hopefully bring in some more money. I really want to rent an apartment that's not to far away. I've already looked into the house and it's just what I needed.

It was an older house, having a ton of vintage charm. It even had a small library which is nice since I love to read. The kitchen is updated along with the 2 bathrooms.

In the front room of my childhood house with my mom I sat reading a book. I had always been into reading and writing, yet Brendon taught me how to write songs. I wrote a few songs, but no I don't sing.

I glanced out my window, having to do a double take. There was Brendon nonchalantly walking down the street at 8 o clock at night. He walked wearing his black leather jacket, and black skinny jeans. As he walked, his eyes fixated ahead, he lit up a joint.

I quickly looked away.

Over and over again I told myself that I was fine without him. I knew I had to get away.

I heard the door click open, I quickly looked over to see my mom walk in, carrying a bunch of bags. "Hi Scarlett! How was your day?"

"Good, is there more bags in the car?"

"Nope I have them all, I'm going to go upstairs for the night. Can you bring these to the kitchen?" She asked placing the bags on the floor.

I nodded rushing to bring them into the kitchen. In one of the bags was the paper work I needed for the job.

Later that night I stayed up late filling out the paper work. I hoped that everything I wrote was good enough to get this job. The hard thing is experience, I've never had luck with getting jobs. Brendon would help me out a lot with jobs.

When I turned 7, my father left us. I remember staying up every night because the screaming was to much for me to fall asleep with. He would always be out drinking and I guess that's what I worried with about Brendon. I would always here my father screaming at my mom, telling her she's worthless. That happened on the nights that the alcohol over came him. Then one day my mom had enough, she told him to leave. I sat in my room, listening to the picture frames shatter against the old hard wood flooring. I cried myself to sleep the night he walked out, and he never came back.

I lived alone with my mother until Brendon came along. He came along and became my best friend. I met him when I was 16, and have been close friends with him since. Yet he had a girlfriend. He had this girlfriend who hated me. When he started having to sneak around to see me, he left her. No he never cheated on her, but I remember him telling me that our friendship is something he'd never throw away.

When me and Brendon started dating he was always there for me, he made sure that nothing got in between us. He would be off on tour a lot, yet he would always call. Then he started drinking. It was normal at first. Then towards the end he would binge drink and I was afraid he would treat me like my father treated my mom. I had to end things with Brendon just incase he ended up like my dad.

I hadn't of seen my father since the day he left.


Ok so Scarlett broke up with Brendon....... :( poor beebo

This is not going to be a forever long book, so I give it 2-3 months and then it will be done. Maybe faster.....

Next chapter we get to see how Brendon handles the break up.

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