Chapter 5

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I went to dinner at my mothers house, just me and her like it use to be. It was quiet minus the clinking of the forks against the plates.

She laughed making me laugh over a stupid joke that her co-worker had told her that day. The conversation went from happy to dark soon, with her bringing up a sensitive topic.

"So I was driving home from work today." She began to tell a story. I listened carefully. "A pretty good song came on the radio, and I didn't know who was singing until the end. It was Brendon."

I groaned putting my fork down. "Mom you know I don't want to discuss this at dinner like this."

"I know, I know. I just wanted to see if you know that he still loves you?"

"'Mom it's been a year, I'm sure he doesn't anymore. He probably doesn't even think of me anymore." I told her hopelessly.

"Ok, so that's why a few weeks ago at his concert in Vegas he told all his fans there that one of his songs was about a girl he loved. Reality check Scarlett. That girl is you." She went on and on. The candle in the middle of the table flickered light.

"How'd you find that out?" I almost snorted.

"Have you been on the Internet at all?" She laughed.

I rolled my eyes at her, picking up my fork and continuing to eat. "No actually I haven't mom."


I let out a stifled yawn, letting my heavy eyelids slowly drift open. The light yellow from the sunrise shadowed through my white curtains, hung about my window.

I heard a slight knock at my door. "Wake up Scarlett." A voice towards the door way  made me open my eyes more.

"It's too early." I groaned rolling over, burying my head into my pillow once I saw it was Haley. "How'd you get in here."

She threw a pillow at my back. "You gave me an extra key. Get up, we are going out."

I sat up, running my hands along to fibers of my white comforter. She sat down at the edge of my bed. I laughed and crawled out of the bed. Making my way to the bathroom.

Later that afternoon while I sat at a small lunch cafe in the local mall, Haley and I were talking. The waiter had just went to go get us our check.

"Scar, I think there's something that you should know."

I tapped my fingers against the glazed wood of the table. "What do you mean?" I raised my eye brows at her. A worried expression was on her face. She went to speak but stopped. "Tell me Haley, you already started so why back down now."

She took a sip of her iced water, placing it back down onto the table. "I got a phone call last night."

"From who?" I asked. "Uh please don't tell me it was psycho Ian again wanting to get in bed with you."

"I kind of would've rather had psycho Ian on the phone with me." She looked at the door behind us. "Oh now you have me seeing things."

"I don't think it gets much worse than psycho Ian, but if you say so I'll consider."

"Brendon called me last night Scarlett." She said resorting to her serious tone that she had before the psycho Ian jokes. "I thought you should know."

"Why would he call you, what did he say?" I asked now intrigued into the conversation we were having. I may have spoken a bit too loud since others in the small cafe were now staring at us.

"He asked me if I had heard the album, but then he told me that the real reason he called was to see how you were doing."

"It's been a year Haley." I frowned looking down. Trying to get the vision of the ripped photo graph of me and Brendon out of my mind.

"I'm sorry Scar, but you need to remember that your the one who dumped him."


I got home later that night. Tears pouring out of my eyes.

"God dammit!" I screamed out, throwing myself onto my bed which now felt as hard as the floor. I had so many questions but none were most likely ever going to get answers. Was he over me? Is this a joke? He mentioned me in a concert, called Haley, and what's going to be next? 

A year ago I would've thought that a year would go by, and that I would be on with my life. No more boy games, I wanted something real, I wanted forever. Thinking back all of the sappy princess love stories I would read. I would hope that my forever was with someone just like the princes. I would read something that true love always finds its way back together if broken. Maybe that was something I had to take into consideration.


Sorry that was actually the worst chapter I think I have ever written in the past year, sorry about that a lot tbh. This book now that I think about it is going to be even shorter than I thought. So lucky you, you get a book that is updated twice or more a week. Maybe this book will be done in a week? At this rate I don't know. I will try to drag it out as much as I can and give you the content that I hope to provide per book. So thank you for reading in the meanwhile.

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