Chapter 6

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** Brendon's point of view **


It was bound for me to hit my breaking point sometime soon. I expected it to come much sooner after the break up. City after city, stage after stage. The further I got from Scarlett the more I mentally struggled. My anxiety seemed to get worse, yet I hardly drink anymore.

I gave it my best every night during a show, showing my fans like it was normal me. I hid it from Dallon and Kenneth, they don't suspect anything at all anymore. It was like she never existed, yet behind closed doors it was something totally different.

The digital clock flashed green in the hotel room as 3:45 am was on the screen. From the past I remembered that Haley never slept, and I was about to do something I tried to restrain myself from doing. I was laying in bed.

I slammed my hand down onto the wooden bedside table, picking my phone up off of it. I unlock it, scrolling through my contacts until I got to Haley's name who I never deleted. I had a feeling I would need it. Without much hesitation I pressed call, holding it up to my ear to listen. It rang once. Than again. Then one last time before I heard someone pick up on the other line.

"Brendon?!" She asked me with a sense of surprise in her tone of voice. "Your calling me?" She seemed wide awake, which she usually was but yeah.

I ran my hand through my hair in relief of her not hanging up on me already. "Uh yeah, hey Haley!" Greeting her as best as I could without being awkward. "How've you been lately?"

"Great honestly, yet why are you calling? You don't always hear from your best friends ex a year after they break up for no reason?" She gave a small chuckle. "And it's what like 4 am where you are almost?"

I threw my legs over the side of the bed, sitting up and walking up and down the small hallway as we talked. The rough textured carpet pressed against my bare feet as I paced.

"I know this is probably inconvenient to ask a year later, but how is Scarlett? I hope you don't mind me asking....." As I said Scarlett's name I felt chills go down my spine.  I closed my eyes shut tightly while I waited for an answer.

It was silent for a few seconds. "She's. Well, she's going one step at a time. How are you?"

"I'm going one step at a time." The dark hotel room made me feel sad and imprisoned. Silence took over both of us, I went back to sit on the bed, pulling out a piece of paper from the bed stand. "So, where does Scarlett work now?"

"Brendon I don't think that's such a good idea that I tell you that." She said calmly.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to know......."

"She works at that small record shop on 4th street in town. Hector Francesco owns it." She spilled to me quickly, as if she was rushing to go somewhere.

I smiled writing down record shop onto the paper. "Oh well that's great that she's working again. I'm happy for her."

"Listen Brendon, I have to go now."

"Just do not tell her I called, please" I begged. "It was nice talking to you."

"Ok." She hung up quickly, the dial tone ringing out to nothing, a small click showing that the other end of the line was empty.


I jumped, doing a backflip off of the stand that the drums were on doing the concert. Miss Jackson played and I sang to it, Kenneth and Dallon besides me.

Miss Jackson came to an end and we closed the show, like almost every with I Write Sins...........

I ran off the stage, bolting to my dressing room where I slammed the door closed behind me. I dove towards my phone that was sitting on the vanity and began to dial the only person I knew could give me the advice I needed.

My great friend, and ex drummer..... Spencer Smith.

I sat in front of the mirror at the vanity while it rang. Noticing the now very well pronounced shadows on my face. I didn't look the same. It looked like I hadn't of slept in weeks. I guess laying in bed thinking back all night really sleep deprives people now a days.

"Hey! Brendon!" Spencer greeted me happily, dragging out the "e" in "hey". I stood up, leaving the dressing room, making my way out of the venue to get away from the man that was in that mirror. I knew he wasn't me, he couldn't of been.

"Hey Spencer! I need some help, well. Maybe a shit ton of help." I laughed the pain away, opening the door to fresh night air that bit at my skin. "Like, a lot."

Behind a few trucks I heard the chatter of fans that still were editing the concert venue. I focused in on what I needed Spencer for.

"Scarlett." I said and right then Spencer was in the right track of where I was going. "I know where she works now, since I don't know where she lives........."


I'm really sorry for once again another short chapter, there was actually nothing else I could've put in this chapter to make it longer. I don't want to give anything away so the Spencer and Brendon conversation at the end of this chapter will not be finished in a later Brendon chapter.

I was so tired while writing this so please excuse how bad it probably was. For the next chapters we will be back to Scarlett chapters and yeah. :)

Thank you for reading and yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah....

Oh and I put that picture of Brendon because he looks extremely tired in it so I thought it fit the chapter. AND SORRY I ALWAYS PUT SMALL SONG REFERENCES IN , BAD HABIT.

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