Chapter 10

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DISCLAIMER: Some scenes in this chapter may be to intense for some readers, please be cautious (sexual content is highly involved)


"You need better curtains in this house." I groaned a second morning in a row. This time placed comfortably in Brendon's bed aside him. The peachy yellow sunrise made my eyes shoot open as it shown into the medium sized bedroom.

Rolling over I faced Brendon who once again looked like an angel as he slept. Slight scruff covered his face and his hair was all over the place, some pieces hung over his forehead. I smiled weakly at him before scooting as close as I could get to him.

This was my first time sleeping next to him in a while. More than awhile actually. Looking at him as he slept only made me realize and think. I wanted to spend my life with him, and I never want to lose him again.

Closing my eyes I tried to fall back to sleep, in which didn't happen because Brendon to happened to wake up wrapped his arms around me and pulled me as close as possible.

"Bren." I giggled cuddling into him, his warm skin heating me up. He whispered sweet nothings into my ear, kissing my neck lightly.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you and your morning breathe." I climbed out of bed, beginning to get ready for the day. "Come on, get up, get ready, we've got a whole day ahead of us." I threw one of the decorative pillows that was on the floor at him. "Up."

"Fine babe." He stretched, getting out of bed. He had no shirt on and I smirked. "Like the view." He asked when he saw me checking out his body.

"Very much, but we will have to save that for later." I said brushing out my knotted hair.

"Why? Where are we going?" He wondered, as if it would be a fun place.

"Grocery shopping!" I cheered grabbing my clothes and going into the bathroom to change. Before I walked in he grabbed me at the waist and spun me to face him.

"You can change out here if you'd like." He whispered seductively to me. "I know I'd enjoy that."

I giggled. "You know your making hard to get through the day."

He let go of me, letting me go change.


We walked through the grocery store, hand in hand while he pushed the shopping cart with his other hand. It was the grocery store I usually bought everything in, it was all organic which was nice since I've been trying to be more healthy and everything.

"So why are we doing this grocery thing again?" He questioned me as we walked, I paused in front of organic all natural soap.

"Oooh this looks cool." I took it putting it into the cart. "Uh my house has no food in it really so I thought I'd get out and buy some."

Throughout the store I got a bunch of food that I wanted and or needed which was good to get that out of the way. Grocery shopping was my worst nightmare, especially when I'm hungry at the same time. It's like the food taunts me as I walk by it.

While we were walking to check out I hear a gasp from behind us. Looking quickly behind us I see a teenage girl with tears in her eyes. The girl had on a Panic! At The Disco tee shirt with a leather jacket.

"Brendon." I whispered and he stopped walking.

The girl walked closer with a big smile on her face asides from the tears.

"Hi, I'm really sorry to bother you guys but Brendon I'm a huge fan. Also Scarlett your even more beautiful in person, Brendon can I get a picture with you please?" The smile on her face was so big. I looked at Brendon who looked at me and I nodded.

"Of course you can have a picture! I totally agree, Scarlett is beautiful." Looking down at my feet I blushed. "Do you think you can take the picture of us Scar?"

"Totally!" The girl handed me her phone and I snapped the picture of the both of them. "Have a good day!" We said our goodbyes and made our way to actually check out.

Carrying the bags to the car, and into my house was the tiring part of it all. All while the drive back the food moved all around the back seat, hitting into the side non stop. Finally after we carried the last bag into my house I put everything quickly away into the pantry.

"Do you want mac and cheese B?" I called into him who was on his phone on the couch.  "We haven't ate all day."

"I want you but I guess mac and cheese is good for now." He walked in, sitting at the kitchen island. "Where'd the time go?"

"B, we spent roughly 3 hours driving around listening to music."


Later that night we went back to Brendon's house to do exactly what we've both been awaiting all day long. Walking in the front door he closed it with his foot, grabbing me and pressing me into the wall. Looking up into his eyes I saw the lust that was there.

He collided his lips onto mine, putting his body as close to mine as possible. With my eyes closed the kiss was hard and passionate. My hands traveling across his broad chest.

"Me. You. Bedroom. Now. Jump." He said in between sloppy kisses. He nibbled gently on my neck as I jumped into him, wrapping my legs around him as he carried me to his bedroom.

Lying me down on his bed, he immediately climbed on top of me. The lights were off so the only light was from the one in the hallway that shown in. He eased off, pulling his shirt off over his head.

Meanwhile I worked on getting my own shirt off. I sat up and he pulled it over my head, leaving me in my bra. Between us stripping were heated kisses that only made things hotter.

"Damn I've missed you." He moaned into my ear as I began to undo his belt, taking it off. I threw it to the floor. Standing up, he took his pants off leaving him in only his underwear. I did the same thing.

I smirked at how aroused he was, proud of his horny self he came behind me, unclipping my bra. It dropped to the floor leaving me uncovered.

I titled my head, kissing him as he and I once again took it to the bed. Him sliding my underwear off, along with his own. Everything after that was a sexy, sweaty mess of bodies tangled up with each other.

"I love you Brendon Boyd Urie." I whispered, resting my head on his sweaty chest. "I don't want you to leave. "

"I love you." He replied drawing circles on my bare back with his finger. "I don't want to leave either, but don't worry. Soon we will be able to have sex like that every night." He moaned of joy. "Goodnight Scarlett."

"Goodnight Brendon."


That's as much sex as I'll write so I hope it was ok... I tried!!

Also I realized I have a ton of typos in this whole book so when it's done I'm going to go through and edit it.

Lastly, Pretty. Odd. went gold so that's amazing! Congrats to Ryan, Brendon, Spencer, and Jon for that incredible achievement!

P.s! If you don't already go follow my account to be updated when I post other books and other things!!

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