Chapter 11

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Brendon left in exactly 4 hours for the next leg of his tour. Sitting at the edge of his bed while he re-packed his bags it was silent. My legs were crossed and I rocked back and forth not knowing what to say. The need for him to stay here was very great, yet I knew he loved touring, and it was something he couldn't not do.

The sound of the zipper of his suitcase haunted me. He turned to face me, giving me a sorrowful smile before gently picking up my hand and holding it, drawing circles to assure me that things would be ok.

"I'll be back again in no time." He assured me quietly. "We have 3 hours until I need to go to the airport, how do you want to spend them?"

"With you." Is all I could say without my voice cracking, on the verge of tears. Falling back I rested my head on the beds pillow. He sighed lightly, placing his suitcase by the door before coming back into bed with me. He laid his head next to mine on the pillow, our foreheads lightly gracing each other.

Our breathing was the only noise in the room. Brendon grasped onto my hand lightly, our fingers laced together. My eyes tingled from holding in the tears that rested there.

"Here, sit up. Let's talk, you've smiled for 4 days straight, don't be sad now. Be happy, just so I can see your smile before I go." He motivates me to sit up, laying back into his arms. "Talk to me, what can you picture yourself doing in 2 years."

"Hmmm." I thought about my answer for a moment. "Getting married to you. How about you."

"I'll make that happen, no matter what." He kissed my hand.

We talked about the future, the future of his band, the future of us. The future looked bright,  and I know it would be. Because with Brendon at my side for good, there's nothing that could change that.

The time ticked by, much faster than I had wanted it too. Next thing I know Brendon got up from bed, our conversation had ran deep as it had time to go. Now we had to go bring him to the airport.

The airport was only 20 minutes away from Brendon's house. He looked around his house making sure he had everything he needed before we left going to my car. I stayed quiet, having nothing left to say.

He put his bag in the trunk of the car and I got in the drivers seat. We drove away from his house with not even the car radio playing music to drown out the sadness of him leaving.

I focused on the road as hard as I could, trying to forget that I'd be alone again for a few months until he gets back. If I could I'd go see him, but I had work and I needed money.

I feared being alone more than ever now, and I knew he could protect me from my fears.

The tears flooded back to my eyes, just as we turned into a straightaway road that usually had a lot of cars on it. It wasn't a part of the highway, yet it was near it.

Everything hit me again, I was going to be alone. What if he finds someone better while he's away? What if he never calls? What if he never comes back? I didn't want to lose him again.

Tears rolled down my blushed cheeks, before I knew it my eyes were too watery to see the road ahead. I began to sob.

"Pull over Scarlett." He ordered me with no emotion in his voice being shown. I pulled over to the side of the road, Brendon hopped out of the passenger side and rushed over to my side. He opened the door and I got out, going right into his arms.

I clutched onto the fabric of his tee shirt, wiping the tears off my cheeks with my free hand. We stood their for a few moments on the side of the road, the passing cars going by. I sobbed into him as he hushed me down.

"I love you Scarlett don't make me cry too." He held my head into him, lightly rubbing my back with his other hand.

"I can't lose you again." I choke out in between sobs.

"Shh, don't worry you won't." We stood their for a few more minutes, before he told me he'd drive the rest of the way to the airport so I don't get us in a car accident.

I sat in the passenger seat of my car with my legs tucked into my chest, and my face buried into knees. Brendon sang softly as he drove along.

All the boys and I all the boys and I,
Love her madly.

He sang as we pulled into the parking lot of the airport, we walked in holding hands. Staying close to each other before his plane got called.

"Call me as soon as you land B." I say, looking into his eyes that were full of sadness yet on the outside I could tell he wasn't trying to keep calm.

He nodded, pulling me in for one last hug before he left. "I love you, I'll be home soon."

Letting go of me, he grabbed the handle of his black suitcase. As he walked away he turned around, giving me a small wave before continuing down the airport until I could no longer see him in the crowd of travelers.

I left the airport feeling lonely again, waiting for his call when he landed. As I got into the car I got a text. I looked at my phone to see a text from Brendon. It was a picture message.

He sent me a selfie of him doing a puppy dog face from his seat on the place, underneath he wrote, "I miss you already." I smiled slightly before driving back to my house. Where I once again would sleep alone.


This is the 2nd to last chapter of Taboo! It's gone by quickly, I mean this is like my record. 3 weeks? Not even?

There will be an epilogue after the last chapter is posted so make sure you keep an eye of for that.

Thank you all for 1k reads! I'm really proud of all the support I've got on this book so thank you to everyone who has read and contributed in anyway.

Lastly, after Taboo is finished I will be writing more Brendon fanfics! Make sure you follow me to be updated with any new books I write!

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