Chapter 7

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Note:: I am extremely sorry for all of the point of view switches and I am truly sorry if it confuses anyone at all!

** Scarlett's point of view **


The matte grey clouds began to roll in as I drove to work, leaving a cold drop or two of rain here and there on the some what recently paved sidewalks. The sides of roads still lined with dirty puddles from the rainstorm from earlier that day.

Deep in my stomach I had a sick feeling that asking about how I was, was most definitely not the full reason Brendon called her. There's always something else, with everything. A tiny piece of hope lay buried deep inside of me that he would come back to me. He would give me the chance to explain everyone I regret. Despite everything, that hope will always exist.

I parked my car directly in front of the record shop since a spot was open, running inside to beat the rain that was now coming down hard.

Hector sat at the cash register, greeting me as I walked in. "Hey Scarlett! I was waiting for you to get here, can you just go through and organize the records tonight? I'm going to be working in the back."

"Ok thanks Hector." He left the cash register, leaving the room and going to the back. On the record playing on the wall I put on Frank Sinatra to work to.

I danced around the small shop, trying not to hit into anything. Clearing my mind as I sang along to Luck Be a Lady.

As I went around song after song, I picked up records that were out of place, returning them to where they are suppose to be. It wasn't like I had to worry about a bunch of customers watching me dance as they browsed our selection of music. We hardly had any customers and when we did they weren't here for long. Most buyers knew what they wanted as they came to the shop.

Pretty soon everything was back where I belonged, now all I needed to do was dust. I grabbed the feather duster from the shelf behind the check out counter. As I waved around the purple feather duster, using it as a microphone some of the feathers fell to the floor.

My sing along to Sinatra, who has always been one of Brendon's favorites was cut short when I accidentally hit into one of the record stands. Making one of the older ones fall off the top. My reflexes being somewhat terrible gave me 3 seconds that I could've caught it, yet I wasn't fast enough. The sound wasn't loud but it had to of broken it. I was by the front entrance of the store.

I picked up the record, sighing as I threw it into the garbage can by the dark granite counters.

Fly Me To The Moon came on as I picked the last of the broken record off the floor. I went on dusting the shelves, in between records, and basically anywhere that I noticed a speck of dust.

Over by the glass entrance was a small stand of papers that said upcoming concerts that are near by. I went over by it, looking at the handful of artist that will be performing around here sometime in the next year. As I carefully read through an Fall Out Boy sheet, looking for the date of the concert the door opened.

The ringing signaled that someone had walked in. Without taking the eyes of the paper I did what I was suppose to do every time someone walked in. A cool breeze from the rainy outside poured in.

"Hello, anything I can help you look for today?" I asked whoever was standing next to me in the doorway.

"Yes actually, I'm looking for a certain album? It's somewhat recent, I heard it's pretty good." A mans voice said besides me, as I was found the date of the concert on the sheet.

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