You, Me and a Bed Makes Three - 31

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- One Word  -

I sat up against my door. My heart was beating hard in my chest threatening to break through. Ford was supposed to be here, he was supposed to stop this from happening. He was supposed to do a lot of things.

A knock on my door made me jump. “Harley, let me in. I just want to talk to you.” my mum pleaded through the door. Her voice was desperate, and on the verge of breaking.

I didn't answer, instead I just pressed my back further into the door. If I stayed like this maybe she would give up and leave me alone. Maybe Ford would come back soon and make her leave me alone. Though I doubted that would happen.

It was silly I know. I mean why was I so afraid to talk to my own mother? I had no real reason to be. She was never mean to me when I was growing up. Sure we had our arguments but that was just because I was being a moody teenager. I just wasn't ready to have that conversation with her. Not after the way it went last time, and by that I mean me not coming home for three months.

I knew she didn't mean anything by it. She just wanted to help. But I didn't ever want to talk about that day. Unlike her who wanted nothing more then to go over every detail over and over again, as though she might have missed something the first time. The end result would always be the same, so what was the point?

I sat there frozen. I could hear her banging on the door yelling at em to let her in, or at least I think that's what she was yelling. Everything seemed to be a blur. Like I was stuck in a bubble, that there was a barrier between me and the loudness that now surrounded me.

Slowly I could feel my heart start to return to it's normal rate and the bubble around me disappear. My mum had stopped all the banging and the house was some what quiet again. As though nothing had happened.

“my sweet, little, angel.” I heard her whisper through the door. “please, let me in?” she begged.

I took all my will power not to give in. She sounded so desperate, so hurt and alone. But I wasn't ready for this.

“I wont mention him.” she whispered softly. “I promise. I just want to speak to you Harley. I haven't seen or heard from you in so long.” she tried again, her voice cracking at the end as she let out a small sob.

She used the secret word. Promise. The one word above all words that meant a lot to me. The one word that these days was the only word that remained to hold it's true meaning. So, with the uttering of that word, I stood up I opened the door slightly to find my mum sat against the wall beside my door with a trickle of tears rolling down her cheek.

“promise?” I asked in a small voice.

“I promise.” she smiled up at me before pulling me in for a big hug. Her whole body smothered my small frame, which was impressive considering she wasn't much bigger than me.“oh my little angel I've missed you so so much.” she cried, stroking my hair soothingly as she sobbed on my shoulder.

I just hugged her lightly back, unable to speak. I couldn't say what I wanted. That I had missed her too because I wasn't totally sure it was the truth. So I just waited for her to stop crying or for someone to come rescue me. Which ever came first.

You, Me and a Bed Makes ThreeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant