You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (19)

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for those that didn't get the memo i've been away hence the lack of uploading. but now i'm back so yipeee! more harley fun for u and me .... smiles all round ^_^

soooo i'm not one to bore you with crap so here it is

- A Spring In My Step -

The weekend went by in a blur. Mainly because all we did was get high and get drunk. I didn't realise that the guys didn't actually pack anything but alcohol and spare underwear.

Greg was the one who slept in my tent both nights so I didn't even shag anyone the whole weekend either. I'm thinking that Shaun's request for me stop all the games is being taken seriously by the guys. I would be mad but to be honest I wasn't really in the mood all weekend anyway.

I did a bit of making out for dares but nothing big, and I was surprisingly satisfied with just that. It was nice to just have fun with the guys with out them all wanting to get me into bed... or tent.

It was Thursday again. I had gone a whole week with out sex and not because I couldn't, but because I didn't want to. Which was weird for me. Usually I'm itching to screw someone after a few days.

I was lieing in the grass as Scrappy ran after the tennis ball I had bought him. It was peaceful just lieing there looking up at the clouds. Scrappy was having fun too, without much needed from myself.

A cool breeze rushed past me making a few autumn leaves scatter around my laying form. I watched as a few danced in the wind twirling like little dancers in golden dresses. White fluffy clouds rolled on by over my head and a few birds glided along the winds. I wonder what it would be like to be a bird? Just to be able to flap your wings and fly off to somewhere else without a care in the world.

My phone buzzed pulling me from my thoughts and I quickly fished It out my pocket. I didn't bother to look at who it was I just flipped it open and answered.

" yellow?" I answered not bothering with the usual randomness.

"Harley? Is everything okay?" Greg answered worried. Probably from my lack of randomness.

"yeah I'm on top of the world. Just in the park. How can help you?" I answered smiling to myself.

"ooookaaay then... Nicky said could I get you to call her. Something about Becky and going out tonight? I dunno but she said she text you a few days ago and you didn't reply so yeah ring her." he rambled on.

"sure thing. Why didn't she just ring me?" I asked curious. I mean he could have just told her I only answer phone calls.

"doesn't have any ringing credit apparently. I dunno. Just ring her all right?"

"yes mum." I replied sarcastically

"you coming over here later?" her asked.

"and where is here?" I asked, I was loosing concentration and began to wriggle my fingers in front of my face. Making them look blurry.

"Shaun's. Were all going out. Bradley wants to make sure he can get in." he said in a bored tone. Guess he wasn't in the mood to go out.

"going out..." I repeated, and then remembered I was going out with the girls. "yeah I'm going out with the girls so I'll be with them for predrinks. Just text me when you get there and I'll come out and get him."

"oh right. Will do. Wait what if we get there first?"

"come on this is Nicky we're talking about. She'll want to get there early to pick out a good scouting spot." I said rolling my eyes.

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