You, Me and a Bed Makes Three (10)

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- Scary Movie -

I guess I must have fallen asleep. I woke up to people talking, well when I say people I mean Greg's mum and Dean, and when I say talking I mean more like yelling.


"AND I TOLD YOU TO DEAL WITH IT!" Dean yelled back.

Argh not another argument about his latest girlfriend. She had walked around the house practically naked the first time he bought her back. Lets just say it didn't go down too well with Jane. She's very conservative to say the least. She doesn't really allow girls to stay over, another reason why I have my own bed.



"because I just do. Mothers always know best. She just a cheap harlot!" she said with venom.

"don't speak about her that way! Whether you like it or not she IS my girlfriend so deal with it!" he retorted.

"well she's not staying in your room again that's for sure!" she snorted.

"how are you going to stop me?" he said smugly.

"don't make me swap yours and Harley's rooms around. I'll do it so help me god I will. And then how will your pretty little friend cope with having to sleep on a single bed!" she replied.

"Harley doesn't even stay here that often! I would just sleep in her room if you did that."

Eww, gross I don't wanna think about what he would do in that bed if Jane actually did swap our rooms. I don't think I would be able to sleep knowing he'd done the dirty in my bed, it just makes me cringe. Greg's brothers are like my brothers, Dean more so cause he's my brothers friend. It's like thinking about Greg having sex in his room.

Oh my god! I'm in sexed up bed right now.

I jumped out of the bed with shot after that thought. "gross gross gross." I squealed wiping my clothes down to get the sex off me.

"what?... hmmm... Harley?" Greg stirred, as I jumped around his room trying to shake the thought from my mind.

'calm down it's only sex' I told myself. Yeah it's just sex, its a natural thing for them to be doing.... I just don't have to sleep in the bed they did it in!

"it's all right Gregy go back to sleep." I cooed at him.

I stepped out of Greg's room quietly, closing the door behind me. I wonder how long I've been asleep for? Hmm.

"WHATEVER I'M GOING OUT!" Dean yelled, slamming the door behind him, making the whole house shake.

Dammit I missed the best bit of the fight. I wonder what happened? I could ask Jane but I'd feel like I'm intruding.

I walked down the back stairs that led to the kitchen (they had two sets, one at the back leading to the kitchen, and one at the front leading to the front door). Jane was just making a start on dinner. Hmm I wonder what we're having.

"hey Jane." I smiled at her.

"oh hi sweetie. You staying for dinner?" she asked hopeful.

"erm actually I was gunna stay for the weekend." I said shyly. I was always welcome but I always felt a bit like I was imposing. I mean yeah I grew up with these people and it was my second home but I wasn't really apart of their family. More like an honorary member.

"oh great." she beamed. "it's been far too long."

"it's only been two weeks." I mused, sitting on a stool at the counter.

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